Where Else Can YOU Grab An American Written Internet Marketing PLR eBook Every WEEK ?
"So, Do Ya' REALLY?? Wanna Make It Online?"
Here Is How We All Did It For Real...
Discover The
Technique The Elite Marketers Use
To Create Top Selling Products Of Their Own In Mere Minutes!
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From the desk of JayKay Bak
Date: |
Dear Time Strapped Marketer,
If you have been around Internet Marketing for a while, let alone had some success at it, you likely already know or are beginning to sense the core "secret to success online".
If you are new to all this, you are about to be given a seat at the front of the advanced class.
At some point we all wondered the same thing to ourselves, "How do they do it?"... "Just how in the heck do they make so much money online?"
I'll tell you the secret right now... no holds barred... no punches pulled:
They create and sell their own products, again, and again, and again.
Anti-climatic for you?
Were you hoping for some miracle revelation that you thought was being kept hidden from you for all this time -- a revelation which might change your life?
Well... guess what... this "secret" CAN change your life. And I mean DRAMATICALLY!
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No more waiting for commission checks... You get paid instantly on your sales... |
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Limited competition... You made it = you control the distribution, even exclusively... |
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Develop your own image and reputation... Become the guru yourself... |
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Build a sales army to work for you... Duplicate your effort letting others do the selling work while you collect the money... |
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And Much Much More! ... Creating and selling your own products TRULY gives you the opportunity to be master of your destiny... |
You get to enjoy 100% of the benefits, almost INSTANTLY, and it grows with each and every sale you make.
So what holds people back? Lots of reasons, but most of them are people limiting themselves at the heart of it. Time consuming, expensive, blah blah, etc, etc... Things like...
"OK, sure, having my own products sounds like a great way to make some cash online... but isn't it time consuming, expensive, or both?"
... or...
Maybe you're thinking that you don't have the expertise to create your own product -- perhaps you don't "know something" about any topic that people would want to buy?
Sound familiar?
Well... you're partially correct. Creating even digitally down-loadable ebook products could take you MONTHS... between researching the topic, writing the 40-60 page ebook, writing the copy, assembling the sales pages, thank you pages, download pages, and all that...
And of course hiring this all out could be VERY pricey. I personally have paid four and even five figures to have my own products created.
So... HOW do you rapidly and repeatedly create your own quality products that people WANT to buy -- with all these barriers in your way?
Simple -- and hear me loud and clear on this please -- you may not even know it -- but you're just 3 simple letters away from success right now...
That's right! With Private Label Rights you have instant products at your disposal to sell for immediate profit, to edit and customize for more money -- the profit options are UNLIMITED!
But What Kind Of Money
Can You Make With PLR?
At this point you might be thinking... "Ok, but can you REALLY make any kind of money with PLR?"... "Can PLR TRULY change my life?"
Well... you CAN make REAL money with PLR and it CAN change your life -- for good!
For myself, my personally owned product sales have brought me well into five figures per month for years. A large portion of those products were created from PLR with some basic personalization.
PLR = real money and a chance at a better life... ... and I'd like to give you that chance too, with my brand new Weekly PLR!
Introducing: Weekly PLR!
New Highly Profitable Make Money Online Related
PLR Products Every
Single Week!!
Top Shelf Quality PLR
Products Created By Niche Marketers, For Niche Marketers,
Delivered To You Weekly!
Before now, few have even dared to attempt a project like Weekly PLR... and if I may be so bold, not many other marketers could pull this off.
It costs a ton of money to produce, requires high attention to detail, and of course demands a very strict adherence to time lines.
You see, Weekly PLR does just that... in-demand Make Money Online related PLR packages delivered to you weekly!
Imagine the kind of income you could generate with a brand new, totally unique, hot, in-demand Make Money Online PLR turnkey products every week -- in one year you could have 52 piping hot revenue streams!
What Comes With Weekly PLR?
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A Fresh Hot
Topic PLR eBook Each Week
As a valued member of Weekly PLR, every week you will receive a 10,000 to 12,000 word ebook on a new, hot, in-demand Make Money Online niche. This professionally written eBook comes in DOC format, ready for your personal touch. Make it yours with a new title, illustrations, rewording, adding or deleting content, or anything else you would like to make it unique to you. Then PDF it and start your own profit journey -- and sell for MORE money! |
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25 Fresh On Topic PLR Articles Each Week Plus, you get 25 on topic PLR articles for the same Make Money Online niche. Add them and blend them into your eBook. Or again, tweak them to make them unique for you, and use them for blog posts, article marketing, reports, newsletters, or whatever. And all of the above professionally written by native English writers, and in a depth and style that could stand alone, but you can make them unique to cash in even more. |
PLUS: A "Fast Action Ideas" pdf Each Week... Add to your battle-plans...
PLUS: A Topic Specific "Product Analysis" pdf Each Week... Know your new market...
Hit the ground running with "Fast Action Ideas" and a "Product Analysis"
every week saving you hours of research...
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Say goodbye to procrastination... Every week you will receive a fully researched ebook and article pack ready for prep work and set up in your system of choice... |
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Say goodbye to junky, poorly researched or poorly written, over-distributed 2004 PLR packages... Fresh, professionally researched, well presented, currently hot topics will become the new normal for you to work with making your life sooo much easier... and we control the distribution here so no "competitive floods"... |
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Say goodbye to long hours of research and high outsource costs... Enjoy the benefits of sharing the costs with other members by having the research and basic writing done for you for a fraction of the cost... |
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Re-invent your entire business profile and image online... Become the guru yourself with a hot new product every week and watch your following grow, along with your income... |
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Build a sales army to work for you... Duplicating your efforts by letting others do the selling work is easy when you can offer your affiliate force new, fresh products on a regular schedule... |
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And Much Much More! ... None of this even mentions the membership model opportunities, newsletter marketing opportunities, or any other methods you can think of or are currently using... |
In Fresh Make Money Online Related Niches Like These Each Week:
eBook Writing
Twitter Done Right
Money Making Blogs
Time Released CPA
Mobile Marketing
Viral iPod Video
Outsourcing How To
& A New One Each Week!
What Will Weekly PLR Cost Me?
So, what's the bottom line here? Hey, I'm a business man and I understand all about getting to the bottom line...
I think we can agree that 4 fresh Make Money Online related PLR products (ready made businesses really) could very quickly equate to more than one thousand dollars in expense for you if you outsourced their creation each month.
But you see...
I am determined to help you succeed if you WISH to succeed!
So I'm going to make this VERY easy for you today... First, instead of selling these kits as "separate packages", we chose the monthly membership model because it helps all our members control costs.
And, in light of the world economy and hard times of today, we rejected our original ideas of $97 or $77 per month.
If you act today, you can get a fresh profit center package like above each week for a silly, "unselfish", $37 per month billed through PayPal.
A couple of sales and this is paid for in full... free to you with everything else coming in as PURE profit!
Plus... I Will Help You Get Started Fast With:
I could just hand you these 4-5 PLR businesses in a box each month... I COULD just leave it at this and still be giving you amazing value.
But I'm not stopping there...
I am SO hell bent on seeing you succeed that I am going to not just hand you the turnkey businesses... I'm also going to hand you the success blueprints to sell them like crazy!
Here's the training I'm including for you when you join Weekly PLR today...
I typically sell this exact video training series for $27 all by itself See The Member Area Video Titles HERE! You see... What many PLR investors don't realize is that in order to TRULY profit with PLR, you have to make it "yours". And while it's push button simple to buy PLR, upload it, and sell it for 100% cash profit, there are simple things you can do to turn that profit into INSANE profit! And I'm revealing it all for you right now with this Step by Step video training series that I normally sell for $27. Now you're getting it free today, once you become one of our elite Weekly PLR members! |
And, here's some Monthly Fast Start Graphics for you when you join Weekly PLR today...
We understand some graphics would save some time, so each month you will get an IM Graphics and Mini-Site template from one of our sister sites, to help get you started... Fee Is $17 For 12 Months = $204 But FREE For You!Visit Our Membership Site HERE! Once you have edited the current week's content and PSD'd it, simply use Gimp (free) or Photoshop to quickly create a new graphics set to match and pop out your sales or squeeze pages and banners. You get a fresh graphic set to work with each month, once you become a Weekly PLR member! |
This is 4 or 5 complete Make Money Online related PLR businesses centers each month, each engineered to make you money fast -- you let us handle the hard work so you can focus on making the money!
Click the secure "I Want My Weekly PLR Now" button below to get started right away:
I don't want to have to spend $97 or $77 per month for these ready to use profit resources... I would much rather get ALL of them for $37 per month ... Times are tough and JayKay really wants to earn your business so TODAY (maybe not tomorrow) you can grab all the above for a silly $37/month.
You'll have INSTANT access to these cash sucking Weekly PLR resources on the other side of this page! FAIR WARNING: JayKay Bak Is KNOWN To Raise Membership Fees Once He Feels Enough Have Joined At A Too Cheap Darn Right Silly Price... Joining Today Is The Safer Option To Avoid Having To Kick Yourself For Sitting On The Fence |
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They don't call me the Unselfish Marketer for nothing! I truly want to see you succeed -- and succeed quickly! That's why I stand behind everything I do with 100% conviction.
Frankly, you have 2 choices here... you can sit on the sidelines and watch as others grab their spots and start profiting almost effortlessly, or you can get off the sidelines, get in the game, and start making money for yourself today.
World renowned artist Pablo Picasso once wisely said, "Action is the foundational key to all success."
To Your Success,
JayKay Bak
CEO, Unselfish Marketers Co. Ltd.
P.S: To boost and support your marketing efforts, you owe it to yourself to use the best tools you can. Start Today and Cancel at Any Time.
P.P.S: Don't wait to long though. JayKay is known for unannounced price increases for new members and membership caps that are airtight. Order Now!
P.P.P.S: See for yourself why The USM Vault continues to grow and thrive since 2006, and why the industry named JayKay the "Unselfish Marketer" (then reap the benefits of JayKay taking the name seriously along with other USM Vault Members)
Do NOT Order, Weekly PLR Is Inside Your Vault For FREE
In case you're wondering EXACTLY what your Weekly PLR license includes, I'm including all those details for you below. As you can see, I am all about preserving the quality of your membership and the value of YOUR new Weekly PLR products:
[YES] Can sell User
[YES] Can be edited completely and your name put on it
[YES] Can be added to an e-course or autoresponder
[YES] Can be offered as a bonus to a minimum $27 product
[YES] Can be edited completely and your name put on it
[YES] Can be published as a physical Book
[YES] Can be published on CD or DVD
[YES] Can be offered through auction sites (if on CD/DVD)
[YES] Can add bonuses as a sales incentive
[YES] Can be packaged with other paid products
[YES] Can bundle max. 2 WeeklyPLR.com Products
[NO] Can bundle 3 or
more WeeklyPLR.com Products
[NO] Can be added to paid membership sites
[NO] Can be added to free membership sites
[NO] Can be offered as a bonus to a less than $27 product
[NO] Can be packaged with other paid products & sold for less
than $27
[NO] Can be sold in dimesales, auctions, variable-price sales.
[NO] Can sell Resale Rights
[NO] Can sell Master Resale Rights
[NO] Can sell Private Label Rights
[NO] Can be given away for free
Where Else Can YOU Grab An American Written Internet Marketing PLR eBook Every WEEK ?
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