Free traffic from the
major search engines for the next 228 people only......
"How A Computer Dummy Became A Super Affiliate
Overnight Earning
$914.46 Per Day
And Grabbing A Stack Of
Top 10 Search Engine Positions"
"Now It's Your One Chance
Grab My Personal *SECRET* Weapon
To Generate As Much Free Traffic As You Like And
Crank Out
Automatic Money Machines In Less
Than 7 Days...Guaranteed!"
(And I clock $824.69 and $914.46 days - sales records to prove
!- Brand New Blog
Submission Software-!

Blog Announcer Pro Automatically Submits Your Blog URLs And RSS Feeds To The Web's Top
Directories Rocketing You Up The Search Engines In
Days And Saving You Hours Of Your Time

From: Rob Benwell
3.26 PM
RE: Effective Blog Submissions |
Automatic Blog Submission Software!
Dear Aspiring Internet Marketer ,
If MSN, Google and Yahoo are really kicking
your butt in the search engines and if you're frustrated by not being able
to get any top search engine rankings...
Then you NEED to get Blog Announcer Pro
Right Now!
Imagine being able to buy the same software that Internet Marketing
Professionals are using today to make them mega-bucks in the search
engines, and being able to download it immediately to start generating
hundreds of High PageRank one way backlinks to your blogs.
The best part is that, you can use it over and over again to get targeted
traffic each and every time for any keywords you want!
You'll literary be able to fill your wheel
barrow up with a ton of free traffic and direct it to any profit pulling
website you want.
, If you're a blog owner,
affiliate marketer or just a website owner screaming for more traffic then
you better unplug the phone, grab a coffee and get ready to be amazed!!
Because there's some brand new
software that will give you high quality one way backlinks for any
keyword you want and all in just a few minutes work.
No! This is NOT some spam machine
blaster that will fire off submissions to every directory out there!
I am dead against using it, personally do not use them and will never
advise you to use such software's. They bring in trouble sooner or
But Blog Announcer Pro is an incredible
brand new software that has been loaded up with the best of the
best Blog and RSS directories known to man.
It will then automate the submission
process making getting one way links from PR4 and above websites a
breeze...even if you're a computer dummy who hasn't worked out the
difference between the 'Delete' and 'Enter' keys.... This will then give you
an unfair advantage over your competition and give you an easy short cut
to top search engine rankings at lightening speed.
Look at the amazing results that I
have had with Blog Announcer Pro and I have used it just over a month...
- out of 4,037,975 competitors

- out of 5,494,158 competitors

- out of 408,989 competitors

- out of 8,734,338 competitors

It does not end there...
I also have plenty more high ranking blogs
which earn me thousands every month in affiliate commissions.
Just Look How I Earned
$4446.89 In 19 Days

But the truth is, that was before
using this amazing software!
After I put Blog Announcer Pro my rankings and
earning's went through the roof and I was soon having
$824.69 and

$824.69 and $914.46 in affiliate
commissions from driving free traffic using just blogs and Blog Announcer
Before we go on, let me introduce
My name is Rob Benwell
and I have been hailed the New Blogging Hotshot in the internet
marketing world driving thousands of visitors to any site I wish within
a few weeks all for free. My
ebook 'Blogging to the Bank' was a best seller and said to be a brakethrough in the blogging industry.
Now I don't tell you these things and show
you my earnings to brag. I just want to prove to you that I don't just
talk the talk but I'm one of the few people that can actually
walk the walk. I'm always
testing new ways to increase my traffic and I'm constantly investing in
new software to automate the work I have to do and...
Now You Can Take A Piece
Of My Personal Software
Give Yourself Targeted Traffic On Demand With
The Power Of Blog Announcer Pro

Blog Announcer Pro is a new revolutionary
software that helps you submit your Blog's URL and RSS Feed to over 100 of
the top blog directories giving you the best backlinks you could ever ask
for, absolutely free of charge. It will save
you hours every week and help automate the promotion of your blog while
remaining 100% White Hat.
And , you can't
ignore the above shown solid proof!
From "Beta Test" To The "Absolute Best"
It seems like only yesterday when you asked me to beta test your new
Blog Announcer Pro software.
Mate, weren't there dramas when you started this project?
Wow... trying to sift out the best of the best directories seemed
like a never ending story! (And that's only ONE of the hurdles you
had to jump wasn't it?)
To tell you the truth, I've used Blog Announcer Pro since you sent
it to me, and all I can say is "Rob, your software is definitely
ready to be released to the masses".
I'd suggest you sell your software for at least $297 USD Rob.
I say this because it's *THAT GOOD* and I want to make sure you only
get buyers who really want results on the search engines.
I've paid a guy more than $297 USD who listed my site on a links
site with a high PR ranking... that produced *NO RESULTS*.
You software produces results... it's simple to use... can be used
at any time of the day... wherever I am... and I'm always guaranteed
of support from you when I need it.
I hope people realize how valuable your software really is!
Your friend, coach and mentor,
Featured Speaker
World Internet Summit
2004 - 2006
Aust / USA / UK / Asia |
Wow, I read your sales page first
and wondered, "Is this software actually going to live up to the
hype". Next I downloaded and installed Blog Announcer Pro and the
very first thing that struck me was that this software is
intuitive and easy to use.
But would it actually work? I put
it to the test. It took me less than 10 minutes to promote my blog
all over the place and I've already seen the spiders coming to
visit. Great software, great idea. I love it!"
Michael Green
Here's Just A Taste Of The Benefits You'll Experience Using Blog
Announcer Pro
Generate over
100 High PR One Way Backlinks to any blog you want
Top Search Engine Rankings within days...Not months, but in as little as
7 days
as many Blogs and RSS Feeds as you like
Credibility and Trust in any market
fill feature means you only have to enter your information once
your first page rankings due to this strategy is
100% White
Hat! No search engines spamming!
Turn on a
flood of traffic to your blog
virtually over night
hundreds of targeted visitors coming to your blog...Then you can
redirect them to any website or affiliate product you want
"This is a Killer New Product"
"Hey Rob,
This is ingenious! I mean your new
tool that rethinks blog
and RSS. High quality one way
backlinks for any keyword you want and all in just a few minutes
of work?... This is
After your hit book, "Blogging To
The Bank", I didn't know
what you could follow it up with...
But when I kept asking
you for more secret weapons to tell
my list members about
you kept mum on it till now and NOW
I know why...
*** Blog Announcer Pro ***
This is a killer new product you've
got here, Rob...
Your marketing tools and strategies
advance marketers to
higher levels making it easier to
zoom-in on the profit
zones... And Blog Announcer Pro
gives an unfair advantage
over the competition that will
surely cause a stir among
bloggers, no doubt. Thanks for
putting this great new tool
in our hands."

Michael Nicholas, |
hours of your time that can be spent else where in your business or
enjoying yourself
the need to work or pay for backlinks... Easy as 123
Chose any title and description you want
giving you complete control
any blog the Top Blog in any market you wish
Slash Your PPC Costs...
Now you have no need to pay huge pay per click costs when you can
get traffic for nothing
to as many directories as you like...Choose just a few if you're going
after easy key phrases
Instantly see the
success of this
powerful tool
your RSS distribution spread like wild fire gaining you
thousands of
readers to your blog giving you an EXPONENTIAL effect
Increase your traffic within
hours after using Blog Announcer Pro
much, much more
"Listed in Google,
Yahoo and MSN in Less Than 48 Hours"
"Being an avid user of Rob's "Blogging
To The Bank" principle I couldn't wait to get my hands on Blog
Announcer Pro and test it out on some of my blog sites.
Now I am a complete virgin when it comes to submitting RSS feeds,
never done it and never wanted to. ALL THAT HAS CHANGED NOW.
After just running 1 of my new blog sites through Blog Announcer
Pro it was listed in Google, Yahoo and MSN in less than 48 hours.
Only 1 week later and I now hold the 1st page of MSN for my main
keyword and 1st page of yahoo for some of my smaller keywords.
Rob I am nothing short of impressed and will certainly add this
into the list of must use tools when promoting my sites."
Marc Lindsay
What's This Instant Traffic Switch Worth To You?
With this incredible software you have your very own switch to turn on
targeted traffic on demand. How much would this be worth to your business?
If you look at the example of how this increased my business and shot me
from $200 per day to over $914 in a single day you can see the power this
must have tool has.
you get results as half good as mine your going to see an extra $350 per
Well, that adds up to $2450 per
week. Now imagine that for the month. This software has the power to hand
you over
$9,800 extra every month.
Now I'm not going to charge you
$9,800 or anywhere near even though it would still be worth every penny.
I've also looked all over the
market and seen nothing else like this breakthrough software. There's a
couple of RSS submitters that don't work any more flying around but that's
it. Nothing that even has 10% of the power of this. That's why I'm
thinking of selling Blog Announcer Pro at around $300.
because this site is still in the pre launch process I'm going to give you a 84%
discount if you order by midnight
. That means if you order today you'll only be paying
just $47.. That means if you order today you'll only be
paying just $47.
After that I plan on rolling this
software out to the public and will need to raise the price because I
want to keep this software exclusive so it remains as powerful as it is
today. I'll have no option but to put the price up because at $47 the
orders will be flooding in.
When you really think about it, $47 is
a drop in the ocean compared to what you could be making using this
fantastic tool to get top search engine rankings and a ton of free
Right Now And I'll Also Throw In These Bonuses
Worth $292 Absolutely
make sure you succeed I'm going to throw in a few extras worth $292 but in order to receive these you must
order right now because I'll be removing them once I release this to the
Bonus #1 - Free Future Updates ($195
Once you purchase Blog Announcer Pro
you'll also get any updates and upgrades to the software which I make. I
may add new features and tools to make it even more powerful.
Bonus #2 - Step by Step Instruction
Video ($97 Value)
I'm going to throw in
step by step
videos that show you how to get the most out of Blog Announcer Pro. You
can just watch and repeat as I guide you through the full process.
Now even though this is still in the
pre launch stage and it's not on sale to the public yet I'm still going to
give you my...
60 Day Full Money Back Guarantee
If you don't
think my new Blog Announcer Pro software is everything I say it
is, and if you're not 110% satisfied with my program and think
I've told you a whole stack of BS just to make a quick sale, then
tell me within the first 60 days and I'll refund every cent of
your money with No Questions Asked.
I'd be ashamed to take your money !
The only
thing you can lose is your future search engine rankings - so grab
a copy of Blog Announcer Pro software right now!
Now you know this all works and I'm
even giving you some amazing bonuses and a huge 68% discount. All there is
to do is whip out your card and place your order before this limited offer
is gone forever. You'll get instant access so you can start using Blog
Announcer Pro today.
No Risk Acceptance Form
Yes Rob, I want to increase my traffic and automate my Blog
submission process using Blog Announcer Pro.
I also want to guarantee that I get
the two bonuses totally free by ordering today,
I realize that if I leave this offer
the price may increase and the bonuses may get withdrawn so I want to
place my order right now through a secure server and receive instant
instructions on how to download 'Blog Announcer Pro' along with the

As soon as your payment is authorized
(this usually takes less than a minute), you will be given instructions
on how to download your software and the accompanying bonuses
Click Here To
Download Now
Yours in success

Rob Benwell
Creator of Blog Announcer Pro
Remember , the faster you decide to order your copy today, the quicker
you'll start seeing your blog listed in search engines such as MSN, Google,
Yahoo and more... so what are you waiting for...
order now.
P.P.S. I'm giving you the ultimate tool
to help you generate high quality links back to your blog and give you an
unfair advantage in the search engines. This is one of the best ways to
drive targeted visitors to your sites for free so please
click here to get instant access today.
P.P.P.S. Blog Announcer Pro also comes with LIFETIME UPDATES!
As soon as I find the software needs to be 'tweaked' a little, then I'll
redo the software and send you a BRAND NEW copy... FREE of charge!
It's just like buying a car and the company sending you the latest model
every few months... and it doesn't cost you a damn thing ! Grab it now!

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