Welcome to 's Issue Of "HomeBiz-Tips"
HomeBiz-Tips E-Mag
The Online
Marketers Friendly E-Mag |
Date: 01-15-2005 Issue: January -->1-15
S. Kumar, Editor,
Subscriber Base: 25000+
Hi ,
It's hard to believe that this little E-Mag is rolling out
from August 2002 and here's the first issue of 2005!
Also, in 2005 this newsletter crossed the subscriber base
to 25000+ ...a figure I never imagined possible when started out with
little knowledge and a lot of passion.
And this year, the only resolution I took is to make
Learnhomebusiness.com one of the best in it's slot.
So as a valuable member, what you can you expect in the
next couple of weeks?
1. More free quality stuff that will aid you to run your
online business smoothly.
2. An article submission center where quality articles can
be submitted by anyone.
3. Will be starting an RSS feed.
4. More products with irresistible value additions.
out for these important changes in the coming days.
Courteously -- S. Kumar
" Create, Upload, Market
Fully Optimized Sales Websites with Complete Sales Letter and the
whole nine yards...22 tools all in all solution for NON-programmers
with NO HTML

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Website Wizard |
This is damn expensive, damn exciting and damn good!
This could very well turn out to be the product of 2005 ... to say the least!
Magical Website Wizard is a complete turn around solution
for anyone armed with just an Idea! The software takes charge from
there on...as it is armed with everything you need to conduct online
business successfully.
Here's a preview
of the features of this
incredible software comes complete with,
Keyword Analyzer
Keyword rich WebPages
Complete with sales letter,
A tell a friend button,
A subscribe to mailing list pop up,
Completely working links
Interchangeable background header colors!
ClickBank Affiliate Pages
Affiliate Resources
Custom Product Order Pages
Thank You Pages
Optimized doorway Page Generator
Custom websites designs "About You" Page
Super Affiliate Seeking Tool
Instant JV Request Letter Generator
Press Release Generator
Find and Create Your Own Digital
Products Manual
Killer Email Marketing Manual
Super Aggressive Linking Strategies Manual
Keywords Optimization Techniques
Easy Pay Per Click Search Engine
Viral Marketing Report
Magical Website Wizard is one of those software's that
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Website Wizard
The 5 Biggest Mistakes
Almost All Web Designers Make And Why These Mistakes Could Cost You a
Huge Mistake #1: Creating a
Website with Flash -- Did you know in a recent study, top internet
marketers discovered that having a website created with Flash, actually
decreased the response from prospects and customers by as much as 370
Here's why: Your prospects and customers are most likely visiting
your website using all types of different computers, connection speeds and
internet configuration settings...
What may look great to one visitor may not even appear for another! You
could very easily have shelled out hundreds or even thousands of dollars
to have a website created using the Flash technology, only to find out
that some of your visitors will never see it! (Not to mention the loading
times can cause your visitor to close your site, never to return again.)
Huge Mistake #2: The "Internet Catalog" Approach -- You see
this everywhere. Good, honest and hardworking businessmen and women get
online to sell their products or services, and have a site created for
them that contains a link to just about everything they offer on one page.
Their thinking goes along the lines of, "...well, I don't want to leave
anyone out. If they come to my site, I want to make sure I have what
they're looking for..." -- This way of thinking could not be further from
the truth.
Here's why: There's an ancient rule that goes back to the very
beginning of direct-marketing on the internet, taught by the richest, most
legendary and well-respected internet marketers of all time...
"When you give your prospects too many choices, they become confused and
aren't sure what to do next. Confused people never buy anything."
Huge Mistake #3: Optimizing Your Sales Site for the Search
Engines -- You'll see this taught in nearly every "internet marketing"
course, manual or eBook out there... "You must optimize every page of your
website for the search engines!" -- In fact, this false teaching is
accepted as 'gospel truth' so often that most web designers will offer to
do this for you at no, or little extra cost...
What they don't understand is that certain words and phrases must be
either re-worded (to make it "keyword rich") or taken out completely, just
to be looked upon highly by the mighty search engines -- and this could
kill your sales, literally overnight.
Here's why: When you or a hired web designer optimize your sales
page (i.e. any web page designed to sell your products and services) to
get a higher listing in the search engines, you're going to have to
sacrifice the pulling-power of your sales copy (i.e. written sales
material) just to get those higher listings. Sure, this can bring you more
traffic -- but what good is all the traffic in the world, if your visitors
arrive at your website and aren't compelled enough to read why they should
order your product?
For years, it has been taught that you should always try to find a
"balance" of SEO (Search-Engine-Optimization) mixed with promotional copy
designed to sell your products and services...
Wrong Again! -- The truth is that you should never optimize your sales
page for the Search Engines. Instead, you should create tiny "entry pages"
for each keyword related to your product or service, (highly optimized for
the Search Engines) and have them link to your main sales site! (We can
show you exactly how to do this quickly and easily and get *massive*
targeted traffic from the Search Engines - without ever *touching* your
sales site!)
Huge Mistake #4: Having a "Graphics-Based" Website -- Sure,
graphics can certainly help us to visualize a particular situation or
circumstance, product or service... But did you know that having a
graphically-driven website can actually distract your visitor away from
your sales message?
After all, your sales message (or "web copy") is The #-1 most important
factor in a website that makes money. If your visitors are paying more
attention to your "professional graphics" than your sales message...
you've just lost another sale.
Here's why: You've got approximately seven seconds from the time
your visitor arrives at your site, to the time they decide whether to buy
your product, get more information or leave. If you've got a
graphically-intensive website, your website will most likely still be
loading past your seven-second time limit.
That's a "customer-killer" in and of itself - however, the real reason
lies within the fact that the bigger, brighter and more beautiful your
graphics are, the more they will distract your visitor from your sales
message. And if your visitor is distracted even for one second, it could
mean the difference between getting a sale, and losing a customer.
Huge Mistake #5: Designing a Website with Zero Marketing
Experience -- Most web designers have no idea how to make money on the
internet, with anything other than their design services. It's not their
fault - they simply have no or very little marketing and sales experience.
After all, they're just website designers...
However, having your website designed by someone with Zero internet
marketing experience is like buying a street-car without an engine... it
won't go anywhere, and it'll just waste your time and money!
About The Author: For more information on how to have your website
designed (or re-designed) by a well-known expert in the field of
direct-response internet marketing, go to:
Have you ever been forced to strike a JV deal with a
competitor because of sheer quality! We had to do it
grudgingly with Henry Gold! The net result is, YOU get an
More Info Here |
Scroll Windows Creator -2005: Scroll Windows Creator is a 2nd
Generation software that creates various Unblockable pop-up style windows
to Skyrocket Your Sales Conversion Rates. It
actually launches unblockable popup-style window whenever a visitor
scrolls past any location on the page of your choice. Very flexible, lot
of variety and absolutely no programming knowledge required.
Live Demo Of Scroll Windows Creator:
Here To Personally Verify It
Dynamic Pricing Generator -2005: How about introducing
dynamic pricing to your products where the price changes every second
there by positively pressurizing the customer to buy now?
Incredibly flexible tool that lets you create dynamic Pricing with minimum
effort that makes the customer to buy in a hurry!
Live Demo Of Dynamic Pricing Generator:
Here To Personally Verify It
Instant Salespage Wizard -2005 is added to our site and its not
well received but continues to top the sales!
Instant Salespage Wizard is a nifty software that lets you create your own
sales pages without knowing a thing about html or designing. All you have
to do is plug in with the information that software prompts and in under
10 minutes, your ready-to-sell sales page is churned out. Very good one if
you are new to all these. Access
Sales Page Wizard Here:
Here To Personally Verify It
1. Simply RSS For Everyone- :
Finally, here is a solution to making YOUR webpages available in RSS
format so that they can be syndicated to thousands of other websites. It's
a simple, one-page script that even a novice can install. The only thing
you need is your server must have PHP scripts activated (which most web
servers provide free)
2. phpAutoMembersArea - : Automatically create your own SECURE members
area, NO programming experience required. Included is a separate join page
for your new members and separate members-area that only your members can
access following a successful login. Access
It All Here For Free
Here To Download Them
Special Note: You can grab as many as 55 digital products to
resell by upgrading HomeBiz Pro to the deluxe version...in case you do not
have a product
to sell. Visit here for
Well. That sums up
the last first fortnight of January-2005. Do not Forget To Rate 'HomeBiz-Tips'.
Your valuable vote helps us to improve this E-Mag as well as allow us to
keep it Ad-Free.
You are also encouraged to
pass 'HomeBiz-Tips' along. It just may be useful to some one else!
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Cordially -- S. Kumar
Publisher: http://www.learnhomebusiness.com
Subscribe: Click
Here To Subscribe
Author of eBook:
"Become A Global Homebusiness Pro.."
Download It FREE From - http://www.learnhomebusiness.com
Copyright 2004: S. Kumar, http://www.learnhomebusiness.com