Welcome to 's Issue Of "HomeBiz-Tips"
HomeBiz-Tips E-Mag
The Online
Marketers Friendly E-Mag |
Date: 2008-02-15 Issue:
February 1-15
S. Kumar, Editor,
Subscriber Base: 30,000+
Hi ,
Social marketing is fairly new and everyone wants a slice
of it. But when you get into it, it's like a sumptuous buffet and you want
to gobble them all at once and finally end up doing nothing.
Here are five steps to overcome this and kick start
your social marketing.
1. Set apart a scheduled time each day exclusively for
Web 2.0 marketing and follow them every day.
2. Start by signing up with major social news sites like
Mixx.com. Refrain from going through a submission spree initially!
Hold on until you have fully set up a decent profile. Start by submitting useful
content and news from other sources initially rather than your own
announce your arrival. This also insulates you from being labeled as a
spammer. Be natural.
3. Start a blog immediately. It's no longer an option but
an absolute necessity now. Wordpress is a great blog software that you can
download for free. If your hosting service provides Fantastico, it can
install the latest version of Wordpress easily and quickly.
4. Once your blog is up, join the following blog
communities to generate visitors, authority and links.
MyBlogLog.com and
BlogCatalog.com. Remember to install their widgets on your blog. Now
join groups, interact with other bloggers and make friends with people of
similar interest. The kind who can link to your blog and send you traffic.
5. Once you are sure that you are thoroughly established
on these sites, move on to other networks that matches your market niche.
"Vertical" social sites are mushrooming around that focuses on
specific niches and narrow markets and repeat the process as mentioned ins
Step 2.
Once you become adept in social marketing, you will replace some
conventional marketing methods like paid advertising or PPC campaigns.
Because you will see more of organic & natural traffic and better search
engine rankings origination from social marketing efforts.

Verify It Here
My Friends Script
"How to Get More
Traffic And Build Web 2.0 Backlinks to your site... All while Earning
Great Commissions!!"
!- Something New -!
Tradin Traffic - How to Release a Traffic Virus to Your
Don't be deceived! At first glance, this script appears like any other
community script. But its much more than that!
Its one script get you a lot of
traffic with minimum effort. Second advantage is that it can build
a ton of backlinks to your blogs and websites with no effort from you
and on autopilot.
The working of the script goes like this:
Install the script onto your website in minutes. You can install it on as many of your sites as you want.
You’ll need PHP and MYSQL. There is a step-by-step
instruction manual included to show you how to do this.
Just customize the script from you Admin.
That's it. You are done and ready for some free traffic.
If you have some traffic already coming into your site then this
script will take on a life of its own, and you have a powerful an
automated viral traffic machine in place that works on autopilot.
By owning the script, this will give you some upfront
traffic and build links for you.
The major advantages are:
It will also automatically post you as a friend on
other sites, as well as comments.
This will build valuable backlinks to your website
on autopilot, raising your rank in the search engines and getting
you more traffic naturally.
the more clicks you get, the higher your profile
will rise on a site.
Once you set it up, you can forget about it.
This is highly recommend Web 2.0 tool for your site. If you aren’t
still using it, you’re simply
leaving money on the table. This is the new way to build links back to
your website the Web 2.0 way. It’s far more effective than standard
linking, saves you tons of time and lets you build your links organically
and on autopilot.
To find out more, click the link below:
Personally Verify It
My Friends Script
The Secret Sauce of Google Success
What do you need to get top rankings on Google? There are many
ingredients in the mix, but here are three of the most important that you
need to concentrate on.
1. Keyword Relevant Copy and Content: Whatever the keywords you
want to get ranked in the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs), be sure
that you have enough copy and content about those specific words which
will give Google a reason to rank you in the first place.
If for example, one of your priority keywords is "virtual assistant
software", create a separate page or section for this keyword (at least a
few paragraphs) using the keyword in the headline, the first sentence, the
last sentence as well as wherever it makes logical sense in order to
achieve the keyword frequency and "density" that search engines are
looking for. Ideally, each page will only have one or two keywords and
will be very focused on that specific topic.
Additionally, by including on this specific keyword page either articles,
pdf files or news items about your keyword, it will help you improve your
chances of a better ranking. Give Google a reason to rank you at the top.
He with the most relevant copy wins - so make it rich and deep.
2. Can the Search Engines Read and "Crawl" All the Pages and Content on
Your Site?: Probably the biggest surprise to most marketers is that
the search engines are unable to either navigate or read most of the
content on their website. If they can't read your copy, then it's not
surprising that you're not getting the rankings or traffic to your website
that you aspire to.
The only thing a search engine can read is words. Sites that are dynamic,
or created in other formats such as Flash or Java often can't be read by
the search engines. Even if they can read the content on your site, many
times they can't navigate it properly or just bounce "off the walls" as
there are no specific links or site map to tell the proper sequence or
where to go next.
Want to see what Google is indexing on your website? Go to Google and type
in: site:www.yourdomain.com . This will show you the title and description
of the pages of your site they know about. If they are all the same or
they don't have a title or description listed, chances are very good that
your site is invisible to your target market.
3. Links... Why Are They So Important?: Link popularity is one of
the most important factors search engines use in determining where you
will rank in the search engine for your keywords and phrases, as it helps
them to determine how important or popular your site is and what it's
reputation is. In essence the search engines are saying "we're going to
give top ranking to pages that have important and relevant sites linking
to them".
Link Building is the process of finding related/relevant websites and
receiving a link from them to you. Natural linking occurs when a site has
good content that others will link to. But to get these links people have
to know about you. It is a catch 22. Building links has gotten
sophisticated in the last couple of years. Today you need a mixture of
links from many sources including articles, press releases, social
bookmarks, directories and social media sites.
How many links do you need to have? It depends on the individual keyword
or phrase you want to be found under and how the links are structured. The
search engines look at inbound links as a popularity contest but more
importantly, they are looking at the quality of the pages that are linking
to you and the "anchor text" - the "clickable link" and what it says about
the page that it links to. The key to linking is to have the right anchor
text on a link that points to a page that has content using the same
keyword phrase.
You do not want to boost the overall number of links by more than 10-15%
each month for an established site with history because this may trigger a
filter from the search engines as an indicator of artificially inflated
link popularity. New sites have an advantage since there has not been a
history established and the link building can be done at a faster rate.
Linking is critical not only with your search engine placement, but also
because it helps stabilize you positions in the search engines and
delivers traffic directly from the sites that link to you. But linking is
not a once and you are done process. Generating new links is an ongoing
In summary, successfully implementing the above 3 strategies either
through your efforts or through employing search engine promotion
specialists will deliver the "triple punch" and the knockout punch you
need to get top rankings on Google and the other search engines as well.
Article by Terry Mickelson Founder of
PageViews.com, one
of the foremost search engine optimization companies specializing in B2B
search engine optimization and link building programs.
Special Note:
Find out how you can submit your article to 600+
Article Submission Sites for FREE:
visit here
1. Dynamic Video Site Generator-: This is a top selling
product currently. This brand new software lets you add
entertaining/informative video websites in less than 15 minutes. You need
to spend only only one minute to learn the software.
The good thing is - you do not need to know a thing about video production
or come out with videos of your onw.
Dynamic Video Site Generator
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2. Affiliate video brander -: Here's another video
software that is topping the sales charts! It's a new nifty tool that
empowers you to use others videos for free, lets you easily embed the
affiliate ID of your choice into these videos and you earn commissions as
a result of showing them from your site!
No video creation, editing, equipment or html skills required from your
part to do this. It's that easy!!
Affiliate video
Here To Personally Verify It
1. TV Remash - : TV Remash is a recently launched social search and
social networking hybrid with an online video-editing tool that allows you
to edit ANY YouTube & Gooble video and mashup the video cuts.
Simply mash up the free videos available and stream them from your site
massive revisits. Cool service!
2. Gathering Pocket Change From The Internet -: Like to make some
money the lazy way! This manual shows you the way how to go about it.
While this won't make you rich, it will help you to earn some money that
you can use to foot the bill for your Internet purchases. Access
It All Here For Free
Here To Download Them
Melanie Mendelson is a thriving example who earns about USD 8000 every
month just by writing articles. She also has developed an neat system
-30 Minute Article System- where she teaches you how to write articles
that are NOT information-based, but ACTION-based! Claim it at:
Well. That sums up
the First fortnight of Feb-2008. Do not Forget To Rate 'HomeBiz-Tips'.
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Courteously -- S. Kumar
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Author of eBook:
"Become A Global Homebusiness Pro.."
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Copyright 2008: S. Kumar,
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