Are you an online article writer and author? Do you write articles and submit them to an online article submissions site with a byline at the bottom in order to attract new business for your consulting service or your online business where you either sell a service or product? If you do perhaps you should start accentuating your online articles with certain key phrases that you use all the time.
Currently I have written 6420 articles online in the last 18 months and in all those articles I started to use a phrase at the end of each article, which was my hallmark. I said; Think on it. Then when 2006 rolled around, I changed the slogan in all my articles and accentuated all my new online articles that I have written with a phrase; consider this in 2006.
Why would an online article author or writer accentuate their online articles? Well, it has a little bit to do with branding. The theory of developing brands is well used throughout the business community as a way for customers to recognize your company over another.
Often an upstart company or a company, which is living off your goodwill, great service will do so with a copy product. If every one of your articles ends with the same phrase then all the readers will know that you wrote the article. Now you'll understand a little bit why this is a good idea? Consider all this in 2006.