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Many online article writers are often upset in that what they feel are their best articles have fewer article views than others. They spent a lot of time to write a good article that no one reads. Did you know that Copernicus who wrote of the Earth Circling the Sun, did not have his book published until after he died? Then it was banned and few read it. In fact it is often called; ?The Book No One Read? yet that book shaped the understanding of the past periods understanding of the Solar System.

So obviously you are not alone with these issues in the present period. Back then getting a book published was a huge endeavor. For the online article writer it is not as serious of course, yet it is something personal for each online writer. You know what upsets me personally is when I write an article a stupid article titled ?2006 Most Popular Haircuts? and I get 1200 hits in one week. Now do not get me wrong I value the traffic, but what about my articles of aerodynamics, space colonies, franchising, economics, climate change, education, robotics, BioTech, artificial intelligence, government, health or Nano Technology?

Do you ever feel like Copernicus, I mean ?Most Popular Hair Styles? give me a break? Do not feel along in this, as you are not. The average reading age in the US is about the fifth grade so what can you expect of whoever is left? Unfortunately there is a problem in the world and it is not with you or the other talented writers, no, it is with the dummying down of the population. Luckily there are writers out there who do care and you are making a difference, a small one, but every little incremental step forward is making a difference. Slow but sure; think on this in 2006.

Currently Lance is retired at age 40 and is running an Online Think Tank Forum while traveling North America. Perhaps considering something extremely challenging to do that will exercise his mind and utilize all his experiences, observations and skills. Any ideas? http://www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs




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