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Recently Article Marketing has been experiencing an active and exciting popularity reviving some old strategies such as Web Logs and RSS feeds. Article marketing has replaced e-mail marketing as the most powerful marketing strategy.

There are many logical reasons for this replacement. First of all, e-mail marketing was, and still is risky. Because of thousands of annoying spam messages people were receiving daily, a general sensitivity was built against e-mail messages, even if many of them have not been spam or fraud in any way.

On many occasions, people were complaining about the newsletters or e-zines they were receiving as spam, forgetting that they had subscribed to them for a while ago, on their free will. Publishers have been having hard time trying to prove that the messages or the newsletters they sent were not spam, they were legitimate messages that were only sent to people who subscribed and wanted to receive those online publications.

The new active marketing methods, I mean the content marketing in the forms of articles, press releases and RSS feeds do not impose any risk on you. On the contrary, these recently popular marketing strategies provide you with many vital benefits comparing to other traditional advertising and marketing ways.

As mentioned above, you can use these recently popular marketing strategies without any fear of bothering people and getting spam complaints and trying to defend yourselves, striving to prove your innocence wasting a lot of valuable time and energy. You know, time is money!

Content marketing, including articles, press releases and RSS feeds save you time and money.

Article Marketing

Basics of article marketing such as how to write, where to send, how to use, how to benefit from Article Marketing are reviewed below.

How to write an article:

Now, you may worry that you are not very good in writing your personal letters, let alone articles and press releases. You may be right. But don't worry. You are not alone. It's natural that all marketers may not be experts in writing.

The solution is, there are many good copywriters who can write the articles you need for you at an affordable price. It is perfectly legitimate, and I can say that it is also popular in the business world to hire ghost writers. You can find expert copywriters to write articles on any topic, and press releases in the special press release format for you, at:


So, there is no need to worry about writing articles. You can start your article marketing campaign anytime you want. I highly recommend to start to write your articles as soon as possible, without wasting your valuable time.

Where to send:

Another question to be answered may be where to send these articles and press releases you or your copywriters wrote. The answer is, there are thousands of article distributors on the Internet, mostly providing their services at no cost, saving you tremendous amount of time and money.

You can be sure that your articles you have submitted to them will be sent to thousands of relevant publications almost immediately. Or, publication come and get the articles they want to publish in their ezines, newsletters, and websites.

Articles are generally sent as plain texts to thousands of content providers and distributors, to portals in relevant categories, and websites which accept articles.

Article distributors send your articles in plain text to thousands of e-zines, newsletters, magazines, newspapers, journals/blogs, other publications, and websites.

Thus, the message in the articles you submit, with a link to your website, reach a great number of target audience. The number of distribution points differ from one distributor to the other. Some renowned article distributors you can submit your articles are listed below:


There are many other valuable article distributors I would like to list here, but it's not possible to provide such a big list in one article.

Your customers, and potential customers who read your articles will see you as an expert in your business, and they will trust you.

In fact, your articles will gain you credibility, reliability. Trust, credibility, reliability are the most important factors to grow almost any business fast.

To display content including articles, press releases and RSS feeds in your websites and in your blogs would help you attract more visitors , increase your quality link popularity and get high rankings in search engines, no matter if they were written by other entrepreneurs, for other businesses.

Article marketing creates a positive impact especially on major search engines such as MSN, Yahoo!, and Google. Exposing articles in your website and blogs with links to other high ranking websites may help you get higher placements at search engines.

And, links from a great number of websites through your articles, press releases and RSS feeds will help you get higher placements in search engines, growing the number of visitors to your websites and blogs, eventually increasing the number of sales, revenues, profits and ROI.

Where to find content to display in your websites:

You may want to add content to your website to increase its value, to make it more informative for existing subscribers, and more attractive to get more visitors and potential customers to your website, eventually to increase your sales and revenues, as explained above.

You can find good content on any topic at many sites on the Internet. In fact, there are hundreds of content providers who offer their services and products without asking money. Yes, there are still such nice people on earth, especially on the Internet, offering their valuable services at no cost.

You can find good content at the websites of content distributors, some of which are listed in the 'Where to Send' section above.

You can get articles from the websites of hundreds of content providers and distributors at no cost, and display them in your website, even without having to ask their permission. They give their written permission, with only a few restrictions, at their websites, generally on their 'home' pages.

The benefits you will enjoy utilizing article marketing are so many, I can say they are almost unlimited.

You can reach millions of potential customers with your articles, in addition, your content will stay in the archives of most of those thousands of publications, blogs and websites for many years to come, continuing to send possibly hundreds of thousands of visitors and potential customers to your website every year, without having to do anything else on your part.

Renowned entrepreneur Christopher Kyalo sent an article to only 20 article distribution points and his article was published on 16,000 sites. If you send your articles to hundreds of distribution points, can you imagine on how many websites your articles would appear, and how many links would point to your website?

I strongly recommend to use article marketing as one of the most powerful marketing strategies to establish trust, credibility, reliability, fame which are very important elements to grow your business fast. So, all business owners must use article marketing as their prominent marketing strategy if they want to substantially increase their sales and revenues, and grow their businesses real fast.

About the Author: Sevim OR, the owner and operator of several websites since 1997, providing clients with ultimate marketing programs to substantially increase sales, revenues & ROI, offering no cost affiliate programs to earn big profits, at: http://www.aall-dreamlands.com, http://www.aaa-advertise.com, http://www.aaa-newswire.com

By: Sevim OR




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