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Over the past year alone, I have seen tons of new software and tools come out to help article marketers. Article submitting software, article creation software, private label articles, and tons of ghostwriters to help get your articles flowing. But I am still very old school when it comes to article marketing.

The best things that I use is the same thing I used over 15 years ago.

A notebook and a pen.

Nothing can replace fresh ideas that pop in your head and having the ability to write them down.

I always carry a notebook with me. You never know when an article idea will pop up in your head.

Standing in line at the bank, waiting to checkout your groceries at the supermarket, etc. etc

Sometimes an idea for an article pops up, but you havent written the entire article. Create an outline.

Remember outlines. We learned them in school and thought they were huge time wasters. They come in so handy now.

Create a simple outline that will work

>>> Here is an example of an article outline that you can use for every article you write online.

Article Title: write down an idea of the title you would like to write. It has to be a catchy title, and sometimes you don't have the title until you have finished the entire article.

Subject: what do you want to write about in the first place. What is the point that you are trying to get across.

Paragraph One:

This is your introduction, summary in one. Lead into the topic with the first few sentences that will keep them reading. Present your opinion or subject here and then reinforce it throughout the article.

Paragraph Two

Give examples, and help to support your topic. People like to see facts and/or real life solutions that have worked for you that will work for them. Help and inform here. Remember to emphasize your point. Anticipate any questions that people may have when they read your article and answer them beforehand. A true time saver is to have their questions already answered.

Paragraph Three

This is a summary of what you have focused on already. You want to stand firm to what you're talking about, give some words of advice if needed, and be helpful and reassuring. By now, you should know the title of your article. Half of the time you will notice that you started writing one article, and it ended up into another article altogether. That is why I suggest waiting until the end to come up with a title for your article.

When people look for articles online, they are looking for solutions. Remember most people can find a lot of information already through the newspapers, libraries, television, and books. Your articles have to grab their attention and get them to remember you in the long run.

Happy writing.

Copyright (c) KDM Publishing

Donesia Muhammad has been doing business online since 2001. Sign up For her Newsletter "My IBiz Weekly". The Business Ezine For All Netpreneurs. Learn how to start and maintain your internet business and ezine, and stay sane while doing it. Read Our Archives, Learn with Valuable Resources. Helping Readers Online Since 2001....And Counting. Subscribe Here. http://myibizweekly.com




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