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Jay Leno does it by using his deadpan appearance and audience raping voice on national television every night. Some folks leave him on even admitting they don't like watching him, because it's too hard to change the channel with the remote they are holding in their hand. Then quote him the next day to their friends, who were energetic enough to punch the power button before they went to sleep.

Publicize your know how.

Everyone has a skill. It's something you develop to keep a job. Even those who don't hold jobs have a skill of some kind, and if they consider it long enough, put some words behind it, and focus on what they can do with that skill they develop an expertise of accomplishment with their skill.

A very good friend was a miner, one of the most sought after miners in his league. After several years of watching him move up in his career I asked how he was doing that so fast. He handed me a copy of his resume. It was professionally typed, looked very straightforward and up to date, until I saw the education portion ? minimized at the bottom. There was nothing untrue on there, but unless you read it very carefully, you would have assumed he had an engineering degree.

Because of the documented information on the upper portions of his resume, nobody looked closely at the bottom and he was allowed to move up in the company based on his expertise and experience.

Market your product or service.

Know your product or service and design a marketing plan that presents your most effective knowledge about that product or service. Present the best information you have, giving a glowing interest in your product that will entice others to be interested too.

I have a good friend who sells Avon. She's in her late sixty's and quite a dish (even according to her husband). She is quite tall, dresses in soft attractive colors, and wears her makeup with a keen hand. She knows what looks good on her, has worn the same colors with a few style changes and stays up with the current ?look?. If anyone asks what she recommends, she has a list of products in any category or price range that she readily suggests.

She does not advertise, but presents herself and her product well and makes a nice tidy profit each month from sales to family and friends. When I asked a few of her clients why they buy? Every one of them said, ?Jean knows her product and shows up on time. We can count on her, so we purchase from her.?

Get recognition for what you do.

It's important to stand up and be counted, search out those opportunities, and bask in the limelight when it's offered.

The kind of fame you want is the kind that is offered when you've accomplished something. Your accomplishments are grand. You've got more going for you than personal acclaim, you have accomplished much and you should be honored.

Motivate your clients.

With personal recognition for your accomplishments, you gain respect from your clients. You have an ability to motivate them and lead them to the market and sell them what you have to offer. It isn't difficult with some serious recognition behind you to tell your clients what you feel they should do, because you are known as an expert in your field. Whether you have a major degree or not, doesn't matter. The fact that you know what you are doing, can perform and project well means that you are an expert.

Use the power you've obtained through know how, experience, and accomplishment to take your client by the hand and lead them to the product they need. You are a professional; give them your professional knowledge and charge for the results.

Make a profit.

You are a professional; charge a fair market price for your services or product and collect for your work. Professionals do not work for free.

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