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Creating great article submissions for article directories is a great way to get your name out there as an expert in the industry and helping people get the information that will let them make better use of your products and services.

Here's How It Works

You write a create great article submissions for free article directories. When a blogger or newsletter editor or webmaster is looking for fresh, informative content for their site relating to the information in your article submission, they copy and paste your writing, including your bio box, and place it on their site. When someone searches for phrases that are relevant to your article submissions, the sites that have your articles will come up in the search list. Bingo! You land readers, the webmaster gains traffic, and the searcher gets the information she needs and the lead to your website with a world more to offer her. Everybody wins!

Creating Great Article Submissions

You can write 1000 mediocre or even downright bad articles and it won't do you a bit of good, and in fact, could hurt you. Fluffy articles or articles that are thinly veiled advertisements for your business or services aren't going to be picked up by webmasters and bloggers looking for articles that will interest their reading public. They want to draw people to their site with great information and keep them coming back by providing provocative content. Write article submissions that will do this for them and you'll get your article picked up and posted all over the Internet.

Here are some tips to help you write great article submissions guaranteed to get picked up by reputable sites and spread around the Internet:

Limit word length. Writing for websites, newsletters, and any online print is most effective when it is between 500 and 700 words. This gives you enough room to give details on any given subject but not so long that your reader won't make it to the bottom of the article and read your all important author bio box.

Spell check and grammar check. You want to establish yourself as an expert and even if your field of expertise is pine cone birdfeeders (obviously a subject completely unrelated to grammar or spelling), misspelled words and bad grammar give the impression that the writer is an amateur.

Careful keyword usage. Though utilizing keywords and keyword phrases in your article submissions is necessary to signal the search engines, overuse looks like Internet spam to search engine software and can prove ineffective. Using keywords and their variants as well as words associated with the keyword phrase is the best way to get good SEO results.

Careful formatting usage. Using heading tags like H1, H2, and H3 and so on is not recommended for successful article submissions. On the other hand, italics, bold print, bullet points and the like are eye catching and help break up the information and make it easier for your reader to scan on a computer screen. Use these judiciously and consistently.

Don't include affiliate links. Most article directories have strict rules about how many links may be included in each article submission. Affiliate links make the article as well as the website that prints it look unprofessional. Most webmasters stay away from these kinds of articles.

Don't forget your resource box. This is the reason you wrote the article in the first place, right? Include your name and a brief bit about how you came to your expertise, your website address, and a few words about what you have to offer. Keep it short, succinct, and insightful. Write it in the third person and don't include an email address as it may be picked up by spam software. Again, this is not an advertisement, but a modest, brief resume type piece of information for the reader.

Make sure your article submissions end up in the right directories. And in the right categories. Every article directory has a myriad of guidelines and regulations. Follow them and make sure that your article ends up categorized in a place that those who want to find it will be able to easily.

Adrian Lawrence is the webmaster of Article Alley a popular free content directory web site. Please feel free to republish this article providing this resource box remains intact with a working hyperlink to our site.

By: Adrian Lawrence




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