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Don't rehash what's already out there!

With some many articles on any given topic you'll find that a lot of things come up again and again, so what you really need to do is set you self apart from the crowd. There's really no point rehashing the same old stuff as everyone else you'll never stand out from the crowd.

Put in the time to do the research. You'll find that the best article and the ones that get passed around or recommended are the ones that are up to date, what's happening today in your given field? What's the newspapers talking about it?.. What's your target audience talking about in the forums?... What problems have they got?... What are they looking for? A lot of people come to the internet to find an answer to their problems, and will probably go for the free help first. I know sometimes free advice is usually worth what it costs ?zilch? but this is where you can make a difference by providing good quality content.

From working on the internet you really have no excuse for not being able to do some research on your topic, type into your Google box and away you go. It may seem like a bit of hard work for only an article but this is what will set you apart from the rest of the herd. You may find that you find so much on your topic that you cant fit it into 1 article, so why not spread it over a group of articles and do a top 5 or 10 things (like these articles.) you may not be found on the first article you've written but with a collection of 5 or 10 related articles circulating you're name is going to be read about over and over again and you'll find that you'll grow in reputation and start to be associated with your given field.

Break free from the herd today and make a name for yourself, visit http://www.barryjmcdonald.com and post your article with us.

By: Barry McDonald




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