Why should I visit your site?
So, you've written your article and given away some secret or advice, I've read it and I'm grateful?.?Thanks ever so much for you help but why should I visit your site? ?
After you've put in the effort of writing your article, done the research and spent time typing it out you're not finished just yet, how are you going to finish it have you given some thought into your resource box this is the last thing the reader will see before deciding what to do next ?Will I click on the link because of my curiosity?? OR ?Will I click on the link because I just have to visit that website right now!!?
Unfortunately, some people don't put in a working link in their resource box of their articles; I've reviewed many articles for my own website and am surprised at the amount of people that have done this simple thing. Maybe they think the reader will copy and paste the address in their browser but unless I really liked what you've said I probably won't bother. Please don't miss out on this opportunity it's the only place most article directories allow for a working link and missing this simple thing could mean you losing out on a visitor or buyer to your website!
Also how are you going to sign off on your resource box is also important, do you want to put in?. ?This is blah, blah?I own this number of websites, I can do this and that, I'm so clever and you should visit me and then continue to blow your own trumpet or do you give me a genuine reason for visiting.
How many articles have you read and thought ?That was good I learned something there? but didn't bother to visit the website in the resource box??
So, what are you going to do today, put some thought into it are you going to give away a free report or make me so curious that I just have to drop everything and go to your site? You should really think of your article as a fishing hook and your content as bait, you give the reader enough in your article to give a taste, they like what they read and then you slowly reel them in to your webpage through your resource box for whatever action you want them to take!!
Have you enjoyed the articles so far? Is there a commandment you feel should be in the article 10 commandments? Send us your suggestions, the best ones will join the other commandments articles and I'll put your link (working link that is!) down here in the resource box! Visit http://www.barryjmcdonald.com now and click on the link in the menu for ?Commandment Article Suggestions? and email us your suggestions!