Here's another article writing tip. Instead of focusing on writing just one article at a time why not try writing 4 or 5 articles at a time. Many writers site down to write one article and focus all their energy on making that article as great as can be. In the world of article marketing quantity matters, so in order to make the best use of your time and produce the maximum amount of articles in a set period of time try working on several articles at once.
Here's how I've learned how to do it. You first generate a list of 4 or 5 titles that you are going to write about. You can come up with more depending on how ambitious you are, but 4 to 5 should be good. You then open several separate Word documents and start writing the articles simultaneously.
You would essentially be moving from one to another. If you can't think of anything to write for the first one then you would move on to the next one, and so on and so on. By continuing to keep the production flowing you don't waste time sitting at one article wondering what to write next. You just move on to the next one and get back the the other on later in the session.
Using this method you should be able to complete 4 or 5 articles in a one hour period. This method makes that maximum use of your time and allows you to grow your article count at a much faster rate. To generate a steady stream of traffic from article marketing you need to hundreds of articles not just one or two. This method will allow you to get there much faster. Hope this article writing tip is helpful.
? Copyright Chris Monato.