One of the most popular ways of making money these days is to write articles for online business.
Writing articles has suddenly become the height of fashion with web marketers, and a lot of them are using this to makes extra cash for very little effort.
The question is how can YOU make money writing articles.
We are into a bit of technicalities here. The most important thing to do is to write articles that have a large keyword density on your given subject e.g. new houses, and offering them for sale to those involved in that particular niche market. Once your name gets around you will find that your articles will be snapped up very quickly.
If you haven't signed over exclusive rights to your articles then you might consider posting the article on one of the many article banks. The advantage here is that people who build content sites will pick them up, just like this article has been picked up. When the article is posted on another website your signature points back to your home site, links gain you extra traffic, which in turn creates extra profit for you.
If the full rights have been bought you might consider writing an article around the topic, you've already done the major part of the research so it shouldn't be that difficult.
To do research on keywords point your browser to to find a niche which will give you a good idea of where to target your articles.
Have you ever thought of a book of articles? No I don't mean a standard book like you'd buy of Amazon I mean an e-book. When you have enough of your own articles gathered together you could put them into an e-book and sell the book online. An economical and efficient way to promote such a e-book would be to place one or two articles in an article directory with a link going back to your e-book sales-page. Say you were writing articles on new homes you might offer an article on picking the right estate agent, or the right solicitor for free and then in the e-book offer advice on how to cut your mortgage and so forth. A good jumping off point is ArticleCity
I've given you a few ideas on how to make money from writing articles, now it is your turn as my mentor says to me GET WRITING!
Kevin Hart Copyright ? 2005
Kevin Hart is a published author and chair of Armagh Creative Writers. He created and maintains the highly successful web site
The website offers invaluable information to creative writers. In particular it holds a large data base of current writing contests and competitions.
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