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Audio Directories and Online Audio Article Submission Sites

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What the Internet needs right now is an online audio directory. A web site where people can download audio files or audio articles for all the world to hear. Currently, there are many people throughout the world who cannot read or write, but they can speak in their native tongue. Additionally there is software, which helps translate into other languages.

Imagine being able to speak to the world online and help educate the mindless masses? There is so much the world needs to know and so many people left in the dark. It was recently recommended to me by Mr. Ed Howes that there needs to be an online audio directory web site and I agree. Actually, I have considered the Audio thing, even mentioned it to an online article submission web site entrepreneur, for a possible idea for the future of his site.

Personally, I have always listened to tapes, books on tape, radio talk shows of worthiness and feel I could do as good or better and perhaps in many cases offer more relevant and reality based information as well. An audio directory makes a lot of sense, I totally agree and believe that if it were done correctly it could be the next big thing next to the MySpace.com . Why? Well, simple because 80% of the World cannot read or write.

I suppose I would entertain such a business plan for an Audio Directory or start such a company. Audio takes up lots of bandwidth so you would have to be Backend loaded on the server side, but that is not too much of an issue. Good idea actually, maybe I should hit up In-Q-Tel for some cash, it would be a good way to get information into obscure places all over the world and really level the educational playing field and fulfill the No Child Left Behind and Digital Divide motifs? Thinking out loud again of course?

Currently Lance is retired at age 40 and is running an Online Think Tank Forum while traveling North America. Perhaps considering something extremely challenging to do that will exercise his mind and utilize all his experiences, observations and skills. Any ideas? http://www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs




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