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Article writing positions you as an expert - writing an feature or news article on a regular basis means you know what you're talking about, and you've done your research. This is your opportunity to showcase what you know and benefit in several different ways. Here's six different benefits from writing short articles.

For example, your articles can be free advertising - not only do you get posted on the article distribution sites you submit to, but as your free articles get picked up, the resulting traffic is exponential. Exposure on other websites and blogs can be lucrative. If your website has just been activated, this can help boost the number of unique visitors right away.

Writing articles can generate lots of links - other webmasters will publish your article on their website and/or blog. By keeping the hyperlinks intact, you get valuable backlinks that in context to your own site or blog. It's possible to have hundreds of quality links to your site within a short amount of time, for very little effort on your part. If your site is selling products or services, you've just increased sales possibilities.

Some of you may just be getting around to seeing the potential that writing articles has for helping your business or website grow. As you explore this more, you will find that the possibilities are endless, and only limited by the scope of your imagination.

If that is the case, then you are taking the first step in a long and fantastic journey or self-discovery. Enjoy it.

Michael Plante manages Read This! Article Directory/Submission Site, located at http://www.go-article.com/readthis We offer free author membership for article submission. If you are looking for even more free content, check out our sister site, http://www.go-article-search.com

By: Michael Plante




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