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Your articles end up on other websites - depending upon what you write about, your articles could show up on hundreds of sites for months. An article I wrote last year at this time is still being published by webmasters and ezine editors today. Not only will you get published online, but off line publications, such as traditional newsletters and magazines are also looking to publish your content.

I mentioned being put into ezines - this is tremendously valuable, since your article is now being read by hundreds, if not thousands of pre-sold, targeted visitors who are already interested in your product or service. A certain percentage will follow up on your article by visiting your website and exploring it.

Writing articles can lead to possible joint ventures or partnerships - once you've established yourself as an expert, this creates the opening or possibility of business entrepeneurs contacting you for joint venture opportunities. I've had manufacturers send me free samples of new products they're getting ready to market. They've asked me to test or use the product, and provide an endorsement. If you test the product or service, and you genuinely like it, ask for the opportunity to sell it.

Don't be afraid to go after what you want with this method. People are using it ever day, and using it very successfully. Establishing yourself as an expert in your field is an exercise which ultimately will cost you little time, and reap huge rewards if done correctly.

Michael Plante manages Read This! Article Directory/Submission Site, located at http://www.go-article.com/readthis. We offer free author membership for article submission. If you are looking for even more free content, check out our sister site, http://www.go-article-search.com

By: Michael Plante




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