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When I started to submit articles in this website (ezineartcles dot com) 2 weeks ago, I did not have any high expectations from this website. I was happy to submit my articles at a website which is regularly visited by a lot of people like me. When I posted a question in a writing forum about submitting my articles, I got a discouraging response from a fellow forum member. I was told that this kind of website will not contribute in increasing my earning potential as a freelance writer. I was also told that when I submit my writing to a paying market, if I mention that I have published articles in this website it would not go well to my credentials.

Thus naturally, I felt some discouraged and was hesitating whether to continue submitting articles or not. However, after just two weeks, I feel that submitting articles at this website is the smartest move that I have done so far in my pursuit of becoming a freelance writer. In this article, I am going to state the benefits I have got in the last two weeks from submitting articles in this website.

The first significant benefit that I have got is in search engine ranking. If you search my name (Razib Ahmed) in Google you can find this in the first position -Razib Ahmed - EzineArticles.com Expert Author. Razib Ahmed is not a very uncommon name in South Asia and in Google you will find that there are many people with my name present in the world of Internet. How would you feel to see that you are in the first position in Google's ranking with your name? With one of my articles keyword, I found my ranking in Google in the third position. With all the keywords and article titles, I found astonishing rankings in Google. For example, for the search "writing a good article" (with the quote mark), I found my article in this website in the first position in Google search. Whether you are a writer, web developer, businessman or professional, being in the first page of Google search is really like a dream come true. Thanks ezinearticles dot com, I am there within just 2 weeks.

The next benefit that I like to mention is the fact that my articles have received more than 550 hits in just 10-11 days. You may wonder why I am giving importance to this matter since I am not getting any money. It is so important to me because of the fact that every day more than 50 persons are reading my articles. The average figure is increasing everyday as I have more and more articles in my name. I do not know about others but nothing can be happier for me than the fact that my articles are being read by people from around the world. Today, I found in a newsletter of another website that now around 1 millions visitors come to ezinearticles dot com daily. Many of the readers of this website are web masters who are in search of free contents that they can use in their own websites. So, naturally my potential of getting offers of paid writing is increasing everyday.

In just 2 weeks my articles have been published in more than 10 other websites. This means more exposure for me and getting a greater readership for my writing. However, the best thing that has happened to me is that my blog has got more hits after I joined ezinearticles dot com. Moreover, the ranking of my blog has increased substantially too in the search engine. Those of us who have very basic ideas about Internet can easily understand the value of more hits for our website.

I am trying to become a freelance writer from a third world country and I cannot afford to pay money for promotions of my blog and in my country online transaction is yet to come. Ezinearticles dot com has provided me the best scope for carrying out my promotions and the best side is that it is at free of cost. Before joining this website, promoting myself was my biggest challenge and it was a real obstacle for a young writer like me. I can easily say now that this obstacle has been removed in the easiest way without any expense.

Razib Ahmed is a freelance writer and English language teacher from Bangladesh. He mainly writes about Information and Communication technology, International and Asian business, literature and freelance writing. Razib is also a freelance journalist and translator with 10 years of experience with him. He writes everyday about various topics in his blogs: http://asianbiz.blogspot.com and http://write-translate.blogspot.com

By: Razib Ahmed




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