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Censorship in Online Article Writing

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There is lots of censorship in online article writing although you may not realize it. Often if you are to post an article, someone may find fault with it as it does not fit their political views. There are many subjects that come to mind, which are often blocked such as; Gay, Lesbian and Homosexual critique, nuclear war against an enemy or issues with religions.

What is unfortunate is that while online article websites purport fairness and ethics, they indeed practice political correctness and censorship. This could drive someone nuts, as on one hand you deal with ?reporter without border? comments and articles and then on another hand you have articles kicked back because someone feels that they are not Politically Correct.

Indeed this is problematic, as someone can criticize my country and threaten to nuke it or take out an American City, but the mention of such a reciprocation or advanced policy of pre-emption cannot be considered in an article But why not? It is interesting also that folks can run around making derogatory comments and say others are homophobic, but if one criticizes the gay and lesbian community for some of their fringe and their shenanigans that is not politically correct and cannot be written about.

Folks we have a real problem here with censorship and political correctness and it needs to stop. Those who cannot handle the realities of Earth and the realities of politics and political correctness have no business running any sort of website which can be considered as part the mainstream. Censorship kills; it kills innovation, it kills truth and it kills the potential eventuality for change and openness, which fosters truth, integrity and gets to the heart of issues so that we may re-align our society and world to fulfill the common good. Consider this in 2006.

Currently Lance is retired at age 40 and is running an Online Think Tank Forum while traveling North America. Perhaps considering something extremely challenging to do that will exercise his mind and utilize all his experiences, observations and skills. Any ideas? http://www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs




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