The Whole reason you write those articles is so you can get Your Resource Box Displayed. Do you know the 7 Essential parts every Resource Box should have.
1 - Your Name
The best way to gain respect and be known as a Guru is to brand your name. One of the best ways to brand your name is by writing Articles, Always include your First and last Name in your Article. Sorry Mom I am Mike Makler not Michael Makler. If you have a prestigious Title like Dr. or Professor you may want to include it as part of your name as well.
2 - Your Contact Information (Phone and / or E-Mail)
What is it, Phone, E-Mail or both? This really is a matter of personal taste. When I write Articles about my Finance Business I put my phone and direct them to a Web Page with a Sign-Up Box. Most other Times I put neither because I want them to go to my web page to contact me
3 - A Brief Bio
This is Just one or 2 sentences telling them why you are an Expert. Robert Allen's Bio may look something like this
- Robert Allen New York Times Best Selling Author and Real Estate Investor ....
4 - Website Link
You want to have at least one link Pointing to your Web Site Make sure the anchor text for your link is your Web Site URL (i.e. as some publishers don't use live links.
5 - A link to a Blog (optional)
If you have a Blog related to your article Topic include that link as well. Same as in Step 4 Make sure the anchor text for your link is your Blog URL.
6 - Your CopyRight
Just use a Standard Copyright Statement
- Copyright ? 2005-2006 Mike Makler
7 - A Statement allowing them to reprint my Article
Here is a Sample Statement
[You have permission to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge, as long as the bylines are included. A courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated]
These are the 7 Essential Parts of a well written Resource Box. You may want to include other things like Additional Web Links, a Newsletter Subscription Address, A Fax Back Number, A Cell Phone Number or even a Postal Address.
About The Author:
Mike Makler has been Marketing Online Since 2001 When he Built
an Organization of over 100,000 Members
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Permission Based E_Mail Marketing Methods
Copyright ? 2005-2006 Mike Makler the Coolest Guy in the Universe
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