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Recently I heard in an interview on the radio that Gabriel Garcia Marquez had 'stopped? writing. Had he lost his ?drive?? They say that in literature, everything has already been said. The only way to differentiate is on style; in the way you express it.

In areas like business, family, article writing?, well look at all the available categories here on ezinearticles, there is still enough to write about. Even though this is not literature, style still matters.

Finding your own style is important. There is probably no standard method in achieving this. It should be your own expedition.

But to give an example you could focus on colours. Like the colours that identify a painting. Or the symbolic colours that express meaning. Take red for example. The colour of the heart, emotion and action! But one colour will never do. Your style is always more complex. So add blue, like the rational opponent. Is either of them dominating? Do you think and analyse before you write? Do you make a plan? Are you adding the last detail and have someone else read your article before you submit it?

You can also observe your biography. What have you done with your life so far? Another way is to check your most favourite author. What is his or her style? You can check the style of your organization. Do you agree with it?

Once you have found your style, it will boost your production. Why should that be?

That is, because style is like a (personal) drive... Style gives direction. It might not be totally without conflicts but the internal conflicts are balanced. Like the red and the blue. Mixed into a new colour. Part of your identity.

If you can trust on your style, you can trust that you will be able to continue writing. There is a story to tell about every detail. You can make it special.

So maybe Marquez does know what to write about, but he may have lost his drive. Is that a conflict at his age?

Hans Bool is the founder of Astor White a traditional management consulting company that offers online management advice. Astor Online solves issues in hours what normally would take days. You can apply for a free demo account




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