Everyone would think writing as a job or hobby is stressful. This is one of the reasons why we have only a very small quantity of authors compared to business and other social and administrative sectors. But everything and your aspiration is not that hard to attain! This article will inform you the foundations to be an author.
1. Curious with everything: Curiosity is the first and foremost step to make you an author. Do you think you are curious? If not, you should development the sentiment of eternal information thirst. If you think you do not have this sentiment, start to development it at this moment.
You will never be an author if you have no or do not devote to start curiosity sentiment? at this moment, because information; in other words, knowledge, makes you want to know more: curiosity invents another curiosity, and as you development this sensation more and more, even God cannot stop you from becoming
an author.
However, being an information container is not enough, you must inquire your self; why information? Why this is the result and not that? Does this only occur in my country? Why should this information be appealing to me and others? And finally it is you, the prospective author, to invent more curiosities in your own ways.
2. Always want to express: Well, the above statements inform as well as develop your curiosity sentiment and by this, you become what I call an extensively informed person. Why be informed? There is no point to be informed without doing the consequence of this being informed. The second step to be an author is to express these information to the public, the larger the better.
The job of the author is to reveal his/her internal secrets to anyone. Think of the ways to reveal the secrets you think important to the world as much as possible; furthermore, try to make those secret easy to understand for even the socially deprived citizens.
3. Be a genuine critic: Develop the criticism stereotype. Author always has the sense of criticism; however, this criticism must be genuine, which mean single-mindedly for the good of the many. Do not just try to make criticism for public image or self-benefit; this would be dangerous in losing public attention.
4. You are always better: Be always of the opinion that you are always better. One of the secretes to be an author is self-confidence. Develop this self-esteemed nature by thinking that your expression will add more betters to the former better: best of the best and.
5. Be accustomed to criticism: be ready and always conscious that you will have either constructive or destructive criticisms. This is simple for author, because our life is about reading and sharing each other.
Your very first startup steps to be an author is to be informed from this article, whether you should believe it or not and expressing your criticism after all. Remember!
Author's life is just about curiosity and followed by sharing.
Lay Vicheka is a translator for the most celebrated translation agency in the Kingdom of Cambodia, Pyramid Translation Co.Ltd.. He is now hoding other two professions: freelance writer for Search Newspaper; focusing on social issues and students' issues and Media Liaison Officer for Asia's first free on-line IELTS consultation website. Lay Vicheka is the expert author for ezine and prolific article contributor to other websites around the world such as articlecity, 365articles, spiderden, talesofasia, etc (Just google him). He is also a volunteer Cambodian-newspapers columnist (Rasmey Kampuchea and Kampuchea Thmey). Lay Vicheka has great experience in law and politics, as he used to be legal and English-language assistant to a Cambodian member of parliament, migration experience (home-based business) and in writing. He is also member of a New York-based research company. Posting address: 221H Street 93, Tuol Sangke quarter, Russey Keo district, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: 855 11 268 445, [email protected]