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So often online you will critics who will attack you on Blogs, forums or even thru email. They will harass you and annoy you and attack your personal character. So often these same people will hide behind fake names, bogus ?handles? or even use various IP addresses to mask their identities.

Recently just such an individual or perhaps a mirage attacked the top online article writer of all time on the Internet. It is hard to say if this person is even real. The reply to this critic, who hides out, lurking in shadows only to try ?hit and run? drive by Blog comments is this;

?I challenge the experts, I challenge the status quo and I hereby challenge my critics. If anyone wishes to debate my work, my writing, my observations, my knowledge or my personal integrity, then I challenge you and the horse you rode in on until you are no longer standing. So, bring it on or stay on the porch. Pick a topic, be specific, bring your and bring your knowledge, your mind, your best debate and let's go! Do not talk in generalities, brevity or abstract when attacking me, cite the example of any of my topics and the exact article and I will defend my position and I challenge you to debate your position with all your knowledge, abilities and experiences.?

After reading this incredible controversy online one can only ask the question, why is the critic playing games on the Internet and how can we prevent people like this from these slanderous attacks? Consider this in 2006.

Currently Lance is retired at age 40 and is running an Online Think Tank Forum while traveling North America. Perhaps considering something extremely challenging to do that will exercise his mind and utilize all his experiences, observations and skills. Any ideas? http://www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs




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