There is a right way and a wrong way to recruit online article writers for your website. All too often those who are looking for writers will go down a list of online authors and contact each one of them. They type out a message and then control C, control V, it into each email to each author. Often this does not fit. As the recruiter will attempt to butter up the writers and say something like; I really like your articles and writing style.
As far as how to approach authors; be honest, have integrity, know what you are talking about, do a background so you know who you are dealing with. Send a personal note of meaning. You know all the things you might do when buying a business, seeking employment, considering a date, voting for a candidate; due diligence. Anyone can rifle off emails to people. Anyone can blast fax, cold call, blanket, carpet bomb, flyer automobiles, SPAM, sprinkle fertilizer on the lawn in one of those little hand held spreaders.
If you are a writer and tired of getting incessant emails asking you to writer for free for some website, simply reply to the email with; ?Please place me on your DO NOT EMAIL LIST, DO NOT CALL LIST, DO NOT CONTACT LIST and anyone associated with you in any way there where you work. I trust you will follow this law and observe my rights? Do you have enough integrity to follow that request?? I hope you will all consider this in 2006.