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How to Write 7000 Online Articles in 15 Months or Less

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For those who on board of the online article writing train to propel your website traffic then you know that the more articles you write the more traffic you will get. I have discovered a secret way to Write 7000 Online Articles in 15 Months or Less and this is number 7000 to prove it. Want to know the secret? It is called busting your butt and pressing on, even when you are tired, worn out or just find your brain needing a rest.

You see in many endeavors in my life I have discovered that the only way to do anything or achieve your goals is to stick with the program and persevere. You must be dedicated, have a strong work ethic and maintain your strength of character. You must never let anyone tell you what you cannot do, who you are or what is possible. You must decide and only you can make it work.

If you allow others to convince you that you cannot accomplish your dreams or fulfill your destiny then in fact you only have yourself to blame. As I finish up this article number 7000 I have been awake for now for 31 hours and it is interesting while I am extremely fatigued and trying to watch my spelling and grammar errors, I can tell you this...

If I had to run a marathon right now and then walk another 100 miles before I slept or write another 116 articles like I did during this last 31 hours I would. Now then, this is what you are capable of, but even more, don't waste your abilities, do not surrender your dreams. I know because I have done it in every endeavor I have ever worked at.

I know you can do anything and the Movie Rocky is not a dream or an inspirational tale, well it is but let it be known right here and right now that this human spirit and intent is an incredible power. You can do anything you want in this life, just name and go do it. Nothing is impossible you are only limited by your acceptance of limits, yet there are none, these are barriers you create, they are false realities.

Believe it and you will achieve it, persevere and never ever ever ever ever ever give up. You owe it to your genetics, your family heritage and yourself to press on. Well that is it really, that is how life works, in everything I have ever done and if you want the most out of your life experience then read this article again, as they told me I could not do it.

They said no one could ever do it, they told me it could not be done, they were misinformed when they told me there was no way in hell I could write that many articles. And yet this is; Article Number 7000 and it is completed!

Currently Lance is retired at age 40 and is running an Online Think Tank Forum while traveling North America. Perhaps considering something extremely challenging to do that will exercise his mind and utilize all his experiences, observations and skills. Any ideas? http://www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs




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