Many on-line article writers believe in a balance between quality and quantity. They believe that you must write decent articles if you want people to read them and you must write a lot of articles if you want a lot of people to read your material.
It makes sense that you write the a lot of articles so the people can see your bottom by-line at the bottom of the article and click to your web site. Many online articles are written by authors, which wish to increase the Web traffic to their web sites. But how many articles can you really have time to write in your life considering your job, your family and all the other human endeavors that you have planned on your personal schedule?
I believe that no one will ever write 6400 articles until June 5th 2006 and I believe this because there is only one person who has come close and they are still at 6490 articles and I very much doubt judging by the number of articles they write per day and the number of articles they have written on average over the last 18 months that they will be able to achieve before the June 5th 2006 deadline to get to 6400 articles.
Now it may be possible that they can get to 6400 articles before June 4th 2006 at midnight. However, that in itself would be incredible, not to mention the number of articles they have already written. I think you should consider this and 2006 and write more articles for yourself and stop procrastinating and looking weak and silly. I need some competition.