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As an online article writer and getting to be a pretty good typist of all things I often find my email conversations getting rather lengthy in nature. These lengthy conversations indeed cover a wide range of topics and seem to be worthy content for article writing; with a little touching up and flushing out that is. Have you considered using your email conversations for online article content? Recently I turned an email conversation into a few articles, as it was over 3-pages long and the funniest thing happened, the person who I was conversing with thanked me for doing so and thus I replied;

?No worries I convert all incoming questions to articles if I believe there is any chance that the discussion could benefit someone else who is surfing around the Internet for a specific topic. You know, it is not important for you to agree with my views, although that is interesting to know. What is important in your case and to all parents who have Autistic or neurotypical children and to the general public who does not quite understand it all; that we make them think about it. We are all one, all in this together; it makes sense to do that really.?

The articles were about Autism and the email was about his autistic son, who is quite a great person indeed. And in using this email we were able to raise awareness for the cause of Autism and thus help more people you see? Now let me tell you another little something.

This article about using emails to write articles contains the above quote, which was in fact my reply to him for thanking me for converting our conversation into articles to raise the awareness you see? So, that is one email conversation and this makes the fourth article. You can do this too and if will be of value to others, so consider all this in 2006.

Currently Lance is retired at age 40 and is running an Online Think Tank Forum while traveling North America. Perhaps considering something extremely challenging to do that will exercise his mind and utilize all his experiences, observations and skills. Any ideas? http://www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs




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