Many of the top reputable online article submission sites allow for interaction between readers and writers. That is to say that readers can post comments on the articles or rate these articles and this interactivity makes them very happy indeed. As an online article writer perhaps you enjoy getting people posting stars on your articles or commenting
With regards to my comments about ratings and comments, I am not interested in kudos or awards anymore. And if other writers are I understand I think that is wonderful for them and I do not mind commenting on other people's articles. But I just do not want comments on my articles or anyone to rate my articles.
Personally I know where I stand politically and my articles might frazzle people, Good, as that is what I intended to do. I do not want to allow the article readers an outlet; I want them to think about it. And to that point if someone is of a certain religion, political affiliation and disagrees, I expect them too, but I do not wish to hear about it. After traveling to every city in the US and sitting in coffee shops, I find humans awfully predictable and their comments, well it is a lot of sound and fury really.
Therefore I have asked to permanently remove my STAR system and COMMENT section, so no one is allowed to comment. That solves that issue, for me. My wisdom is available or not, it is solely up to the reader. If you do not like it or it is too offensive then do not read it or do read it; your choice and your free will. Consider this in 2006.
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