Imagine an online article submission site, which allowed you to modify your articles, correct mistakes or monitor the traffic of each and every individual article These features are actually available at the top online article submission websites on the Internet you see? As an online article author and writer with nearly 6000 total articles you can understand why I am so excited about such features to help me gage what I write about.
Now then even though these are great features imagine 5900 articles to scroll down to find the one you wish to edit? Impossible, so I have stopped editing, which is too bad, because some day I would like to go through all those articles and fix spelling and miss placed words, which are out of sync. So online article submission sites need to be addressing these issues; you see 5900 articles that is nearly 180 pages of titles only.
Online article submission sites also need to consider that if a writer edits an article, they want to make sure it does not add "One More" article to their article count. For me that would mean if I edit 5000 articles over lets say 2-years time, it would show 10,000 articles which is an incorrect number you see? These are just a few features that online article submission sites need to consider if they are to attract the highest volume article authors to their sites. Please consider all this in 2006.