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Many online article writers use the online Internet article submission site venue to get the word out to the world. Yet so many of these websites are copy sites and have pretty horrific traffic count numbers. Let's face it if you are going to post one hundred of your best articles online and put forth that time commitment then you know you expect someone to read them right?

Well, this is why I personally advise that you shop around and find a premier online article submission website that has been around for a while. Pick one, which has over 5,000 writers already signed up, 10,000 would be better. Even 15,000 writers if you can find one that is that well respected in the market place.

Do not pick an online article submission site, which has many of the categories with only one or two articles or even no articles for that matter in them. If the site is new it will most likely fail. The attrition rate is over 75% in 2-years. Meaning your chances of wasting your efforts are too high and those are not good odds, even in Las Vegas.

Play it smart and try to find an online article submission site, which has over 100,000 articles and over 50 unique categories and one, which has the traffic you need to win. Do not waste your precious time writing great articles that no one will read. Think on this in 2006.

Currently Lance is retired at age 40 and is running an Online Think Tank Forum while traveling North America. Perhaps considering something extremely challenging to do that will exercise his mind and utilize all his experiences, observations and skills. Any ideas? http://www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs




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