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Recently in a heated debate online on the Blog of the Premier Internet Article Submission site a non-author or participator condemned the strength of knowledge of the top online article submitter on the Internet of all time. In the condemnation the critique stated that the top Internet online writer with nearly 4000 articles online did not know what he was talking about. This detractor stated:

?Your opinions on any number of subjects does not mean that your arguments are good or that you know what you're talking about.?

Indeed, this of course is a good point in that just because someone maybe a prolific writer, that is no guarantee that the words within the work are of value. However the Top Online Article Writer in the history of the Internet clearly points out:

?Just because I have presented particular points of view on any number of subjects (1492 topics) doesn't mean that I don't know what I am talking about either. Therefore your comment is irrelevant; I.E. contains no logic.?

The critic in her sharp attack on the personal character, wisdom and knowledge of the top online article submitter did not elaborate on her ?hit and run? comments. The brevity in her slanderous accusations appear to be as vague as her very popular name and attempt to conceal her identity as she openly harasses and annoys the top online article of all time. No one knows yet what her motives are, who she really is or if she has ever written any online articles herself?

So often we find unknown detractors attack the top achievers in society and civilization. The Internet is a reflection of our civilization so such attacks online are to be expected from those who watch and wonder what happened. Stay tune to the on-going debate from the peanut gallery online. Consider this in 2006.

Currently Lance is retired at age 40 and is running an Online Think Tank Forum while traveling North America. Perhaps considering something extremely challenging to do that will exercise his mind and utilize all his experiences, observations and skills. Any ideas? http://www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs




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