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When it comes to promoting yourself, there is no better way to pull it off than writing articles. By submitting well-written, informative articles to online publishers, you will become an authority figure in the industry and be regarded as the one to go to. When you submit articles to online publishers, most will offer you the chance to include a short bio, as well as a link to your website. Article promotion is free advertising for you and is a great way to promote your website.

The term ?free? is not often used in the advertising world of today. Many individuals and companies spend thousands of dollars each year to get their name out and try, with all their spent dollars, to bring in new clients and new visitors to their site. The fact is you don't have to spend a penny when you submit your articles to online publishers and your website and your name will be available for all visitors to see.

The wonderful thing about article promotion is that some of the publishers allow their visitors to copy the articles and place them on other websites. They do, however, have to leave the article as is, as well as make sure the author's name and information is attached. A way to make sure that your website is attached to the article is to include a resource box along with it and make sure your link is part of it whenever you partake of article promotion opportunities. What this means is that your article with all your information can spread all over the internet, that is if you make sure your link is used when use article promotion opportunities.

For example, if you submit 10 articles to 10 different sites, it gives you the opportunity for 100 links back to your site. But what happens when a quarter of those articles are put on 10 more sites? That's right. You've more than doubled the links back to your site. Before you even realize it, you could have as many as a thousand or more links to your site.

What happens when someone is looking up information on a subject and they keep coming across information that is written by you? Instantly, you are regarded as an authority on the subject at hand. This is a major benefit derived from article promotion. The one thing that will most likely happen is that you will get a visitor to your website as they browse for more information. The fact is, by submitting informative articles that are well written and give the reader something they need; you will become an individual well-known in your particular subject. By submitting your articles to online publishers, you will find yourself in the spotlight from time to time.

To get your articles noticed on the web, you can also make sure you use keyword optimization in your articles whenever you partake in article promotion opportunities. This is great for the search engines, allowing your articles to be found quicker, therefore, bringing in more visitors to your site.

Syndicating your articles is another way to get your articles to as many sites as possible. This simply makes it much easier for website owners to put content on their websites. Because it is very easy to do, it will save a lot of time for the site owner and it's a great situation for you as you no longer have to worry about marketing each of your articles individually.

When you get started, you'll simply include a link on your article to allow them to publish this, as well as any other articles you currently have available for syndication. Within days, your article can be viewed on hundreds of websites and you didn't really have to do anything but add the link to your content. Again, free advertising at its best!

If you would like to get your name and website advertised and bring in new visitors to your site, take advantage of the opportunity for free advertising by submitting well-written, informative articles. You'll be surprised by the amount of visitors you will get to your site!

Adrian Lawrence is the webmaster of Article Alley a popular free content directory web sites. Please feel free to republish this article providing this resource box remains intact with a working hyperlink to our site.

By: Adrian Lawrence




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