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An idea can strike me at any time, or any place. When my brain receives this signal all bets are off. I can not concentrate on the situation at hand.

The sensation is so strong it feels like waves washing over me. For me, I go directly to the computer and start typing. If my computer is not available, I carry a small tape recorder and start recording my idea. If all else fails a piece of paper and a pen will work.

Currently, I have been writing articles for this website and my mind has been constantly in a whirl.

While I was busy writing my first ten articles, I hoped would make me Platinum, I had a hard time thinking up articles to write. Now, that I have become Platinum they land in my brain without even trying.

All the articles I have written have been very close to my heart, I have literally lived everyone. Writing these articles has given me the voice to express my feelings on issues that are very important to me.


Now that my articles are written, what is the next step?

Everybody has a dream or a plan for the future. This is mine.

(1) Dictate all my articles onto a CD and sell them through my website.

(2) I would like speaking engagements revolving around my articles or my book. I can sell my CD's in the back of the room and also sell my book.

(3) Format all my articles into E book format for the E book websites.

(4) Format all my unpublished books into E book format for the E book websites.

(5) Sell my unpublished books in audio format on my website.

THESE (5) ABOVE WISHES ARE MY GOALS I WANT TO ACCOMPLISH. I want to accomplish one or two of these goals this year. If this is accomplished I will have achieved my goal.


(l) Is it to self publish your book?

(2) Is it to publish an audio book?

(3) Is it to write articles for this website or other websites?


All the above starts with an IDEA, without an IDEA none of the above could have been accomplished.

If you have writers block, sit back and observe the world around you. Watch a child ride a bicycle. This can spark a memory that literally writes itself.

Writing about your past, about your childhood is family history. There is nothing better on this earth to leave your family.

When that IDEA grips you, grab it with both hands and hold on. You are in for a wonderful, creative ride.

I hope you enjoyed this article. Check out my other articles, I always love to hear from you. Happy typing.

Copyright 2006 Linda Meckler

Linda has wonderful ideas for marketing her book and articles. Currently she is the author of "Ghost Kids Trilogy," three books in one book. CHRISTY 12, AND HER BROTHER BRAD, 16 MOVE INTO AN OLD HOUSE ON TOP OF A MOUNTAIN AND MEET TWO GHOST KIDS. Meet a Magical Blue Vase. Join Christy and Brad on a Pirates' Treasure Hunt. ADVENTURE/MYSTERY Love, Family Values and Charity burst off the pages.

Visit my website at http://www.lmeckler.com my email [email protected]. Order my book at http://www.amazon.com or http://www.buybooksontheweb.com With an order of 5 books = 40% discount. An order of 20 books free shipping and handling. ISBN 0-7414-2273-5.




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