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Content is king! Long live the king! Website owners, ezine publishers and bloggers are hungry for new fresh relevant content. It is going to become even more important in the future in order to have your website listed and ranked in search engines. Many of the old methods search engines used have changed. Relevant content and natural links to your website are going to be what gets you ranked higher in search engines.

The best way to achive this is by writting new articles and having them published. The best way to get them published is by submitting to the many article directories on the internet. Once they have archived your article then others looking for fresh content for their sites can download your article. Your link to your website stays with the article, giving you dozens or hundreds of links back to your site. For example if you submit your article to 10 different sites and your article gets republished 10 times you could have 100 instant links back to your website. This is one of the best ways to drive traffic to your website. But wait, many articles don't just get downloaded 10 times, they get downloaded hundreds of times. 10 sites x 100 downloads gives you the potential of 1000 links! Now that is potential for large amounts of traffic.

There are many article directories out there. Some submission services charge for submissions, sometimes up to $700 a year. Many are free. Some are general directories and will take articles on all subjects, others are specialized niche directories. Depending on what your subject is you should probably submit to as many as possible to get maximum exposure.

If you have an article to submit or are looking for free content for your ezine, website or blog check out these sites:

Article Boy http://www.articleboy.com
Go Articles http://www.goarticles.com
Article Lists http://www.articlelists.com
SearchWarp http://searchwarp.com/
Rexarticles http://www.rexarticles.com/
Article Avenue http://articleavenue.com/
Article Depot http://www.articledepot.co.uk/
Article Stop http://www.articlestop.com/
Article Blast http://www.articleblast.com/
Article Pros http://www.articlepros.com/
EZine Articles http://www.ezinearticles.com
Article Alley http://www.articlealley.com
Content Articles http://www.content-articles.com/
Article Base http://www.articlesbase.com/
Freezine Articles http://www.freezine-articles.com/
iSnare http://www.isnare.com
Valuable Content http://www.valuablecontent.com/

This is by no means a complete list but it is an excellent start to get your articles published across the web.

TJ Smith is the creative force behind several websites including Article Boy http://www.articleboy.com and The Blogger Nation http://www.thebloggernation.com

By: Tom Smith




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