Is Putting your Articles in the Public Domain really
a Two Headed Dragon. A very popular and economical way
to get exposure is to write articles that you allow other
who are searching for content to publish on there web pages
The Question is does allowing others to publish your
Articles make your web page less unique since it contains
the Same Article.
Elaine Currie In her Article My Magic Article Doubler
Suggests you actually have 2 versions of your Article
one for your web page and one for the Article Submission
Directories. Elaine suggest's that you can Add a Paragraph
rich in Keywords for your Personal version,
A simple method of Maintaining 2 versions of your articles
is to have a Web Page and a Blog. The Articles in your
Blog are for the public Domain and the Articles in your
web page are your unique copies. In the Resource Box of
your Online Web Page Article place the Following statement
For a Version of this article that you can publish on your
own web site please visit my article collection
If one version of your Article is good and 2 versions are
better would 3 or 4 or 5 versions of your article be even
better.Why not have a 3rd version of your article that you
use to submit to article Submission Directories. Actually
using the 7 below steps it wouldn't be to difficult to have
a different version of your article for each place you
submit your article too. (Let's not get too silly, In
practice 1 submission version should be ok however if you
submit to 20 or article directories you may want 2 or 3
submission versions that you split between directories)
Seven different Ways you can change your Article
1 - Add or change the Opening Paragraph
One simple one to do this is to add an Opening paragraph
that tells them what you are about to tell them
2 - Add or change the Closing Paragraph
One simple one to do this is to add an Opening paragraph
that tells them what you just told them
3 - Change the Opening and Closing Paragraph
This is getting silly but tell them what you will tell
them for the opening paragraph and tell them what you told
them in the closing paragraph
4 - Add or Change the Case Study
If you use a case study in your article find a different
one. If you don't use a case Study Add One
4 - Add or Change a Middle Paragraph
Simply find a paragraph someone in the middle of your
article and re word it.
5 - Add or change an Example
Are you confused by your article, Your readers will be too
add an example to help explain and clarify
6 - Make small changes to each Paragraph
Go through your article and reword 1 or 2 sentences in each
7 - Combine the Above Methods
You could Combine Methods 4 and 5 and add a Case Study and
an example. You could combine Methods 1 and 6 by changing
the penning paragraph and then making small changes to
other paragraphs. You could even combine more then 2
methods, The Choices really are limitless
Mike Makler has been Marketing Online Since 2001. Subscribe to Mike's Newsletter here Get some useful Free Downloads Here:, Some more Articles from Mike:

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