As an online article author of some 7000 plus articles I have noticed an increasing issue with the number of categories on the top online article submission websites. Many of the top online article submission sites have lesser competitors who continually copy their categories and then fail because they cannot fill up the categories, yet we also see that the best of breed online article submission websites need to add more categories in order to support their authors and increase sub-topics and invite in more unique articles.
For instance I recommend that new categories be added to the mix, as well as new sub-categories as well. I would recommend please adding under the News and Society Section a sub category for Opinion Articles. Those articles which are clearly completely opinion in nature.
It could even be called; Pure Opinion or perhaps Op-Ed or maybe Commentary. As the top online article author I no doubt could fill that up with 500 articles in under 3-month period. Additionally, I have really noticed a growing interest in environmental issues and alternative energies, as well as recycling. All these should be listed.
A major category of Environmental could include sub-categories for Alternative Energies and Recycling. Consider if you will the incredible number of Solar, Wind, Hydro and Ethanol Articles, which would come in. It makes to move with the ebb and flow of society and their Interests and Internet Searches. Consider this in 2006.