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Never before in the history of the business of writing have opportunities opened up and presented themselves on such a large scale and in such huge quantities for writers to easily win so much regular business and revenue.

If you know anything about writers of old you will know that they mostly starved, some to death. Yes, they often had to pay such a high price for their love of writing.

Today everything has changed so dramatically and so suddenly. Thanks mainly to the internet and the huge hungry market it continues to build at high every day, the business of writing has been changed forever.

Sadly however, many writers are yet to fully wake up to the new realties of the internet and the fresh and different business and revenue opportunities that are suddenly within such easy reach of any writer. Many offline writers are still stuck saying that they will never write $3 or $5 articles (see my article on this controversial subject at


Yet the same writers had no problem starting off their careers writing 10-cents-per-word articles in the old days. Some even wrote for publications that pay in copies and others that don't even pay (just to get clippings of their published work. And yet those clippings were not anywhere near as effective as ?online writing clippings? ? that is your articles posted free at article sites, can be today).

But for you to succeed as an online writer you must first understand that all online writing is business writing. In the bricks and mortar world business writing is writing about boring stocks and sometimes boring companies and trying to explain why they are so successful or why they have failed. Incidentally I personally find such writing fascinating.

In online writing, the business writing is different. You can write on any subject, giving a lot of useful details and advice but in the end, you must find a way of getting readers to do what you want them to do. Your objective could be to get them to visit your website or blog for more information and this win higher traffic, which gives you many possibilities. Or your objective could be to get them to head straight to your affiliate website.

In other words your writing is always business writing because the end objective is to sell something, even if it is just ideas. And yet the moment your writing looks like it is selling, it will be shunned and people will not want to come anywhere near your writing. A good example is this article that you are reading so eagerly. It is actually selling something. Get my point? The kind of writing articles do online is very different.

Any writer who understands that all online writing is business writing puts themselves in a very good position to make a fortune from their online business writing.

For example it will become much easier to attract clients because no website will assign you to write something that does not help them sell something.

This business writing that is done online has become even more interesting in recent times because a huge market has developed for writers who can write content to attract specific Google adsense advertisements. Let me explain in a little more detail for the sake of the uninitiated. Most people who carry Google adsense advertisements quickly notice that it is extremely important to attract higher paying ads. The way to do this is by using certain keywords. Usually common keywords in most subjects will attract low bids (because there are numerous sites where these ads can be successfully posted) meaning that the revenue Google shares with the site owner carrying their ads, for clicks will tend to be low. More unique and rare keywords will tend to attract ads that have much higher bids on them. There are actually certain Google ads that pay as much as $100 per click.

The kind of business writing required here is where unique keywords will be used without the content losing its? original value and meaning. There are probably hundreds of thousands of sites that carry Google ads and many of them are not happy with their earnings and would like to earn more. Business writing from online writers who understand exactly what the client wants is in very high demand. By the way it is very easy for an online writer to quickly become an expert in this sort of business writing by simply setting up their own blog and applying to post Google ads and then learning and practicing their online business writing skills on their own site to start with. They can even use the same site to attract clients and writing business.

Christopher Kyalo earns a living writing for various online clients. Visit his blog http://100grandonlinewriters.blogspot.com to read the following article; How to get lots of business writing online articles. He can be reached at strongwallafrica at yahoo.com




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