Can an online article author write better and more informative articles by reading more articles from other online article authors? I believe so and since this in article number 7112 that I have written let me tell you a little secret that I do. When I write on a subject I know nothing about I think of what I might search on the Internet to learn more.
Actually I think of a question I have about the subject. Guess what, if I am thinking this so is someone else in the world with a question out there somewhere? Hello Internet.
Next I take that question and make it my title and then search the Internet using that title to see if anyone else is using it and well what pops up? Generally my question turns out to be a sentence in one of the 65 Billion pages now online! Great are you with me so far?
I constantly scan other authors articles in subjects I intend to write on and learn all I can from their perspective without losing my na?ve perspective of the possible Internet surfer. Now I have many perspectives and keep growing that each article I read.
But how do I find all these articles on a giving subject? Well, I really like Wikipedia and EzineArticle, both have hundreds of thousands of pages of information you see?
Well, I scan the articles written on the email alerts on the top online article submission website and read up on the categories where I lack knowledge to further my personal knowledge so that in the future when I have an idea, I have some knowledge to draw from.
Additionally I very closely follow my gut instinct and intuition on things and rely on my diverse observations and experience of my own life. This will round you out as a writer to indeed write better online articles.
Too many writers are closed off in their own little worlds and whereas that does bring the world different perspectives, which can be good. It is also important to be a rounded person and therefore this will help you in your writing. So please consider this in 2006.