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Submitting articles to article directories is a great way to increase traffic to your website, promote your product and establish yourself as an expert in your field. Its also an easy and effect way to gain backlinks to your website, especially if you have an established site with original content.

First, a little about article directories. Basically, article directories allow writers to make available their articles to website, ezine and newsletter publishers. When a publisher uses your article you'll begin to increase your web presence. If a publisher of a newsletter with 2000 subscribers publishes your article, 2000 people will read about your website or product. At the end of each of your articles you can tell the readers a little bit about yourself, inform them of your website and create links in a resource box. Article writing is simple. Your articles don't need to be long but they should offer the reader some useful information. Also, submitting original articles will eventually give you credibility and expert status.

Write about what you know and share your knowledge of a product or topic. For inspiration simply turn to your website. You've probably spent hours creating the content for your site. Why not make this information available for others to use if it will drive traffic to your site? My website, for example, is a garden resource site covering a wide range of garden topics. Most of the content on my site is written by me. What I've done is taken my content and converted it into multiple articles which I've submitted to various article directories. I usually rework the content slightly, longer entries, for instance, are split into two articles. Sometimes the article is a summary of a topic, if the reader visits my site they'll be more apt to stick around for a while to read the full version.

Creating a website takes time and energy, going back and reusing what you've already written and reworking it is a fast and effective way to create and publish articles. The information is there, utilize it. Making your website content available to other web publishers allows you to increase your web presence; an important factor in increasing traffic to your site.

There are a number of directories to which you can submit your writing. Some of the larger directories get thousands of hits per day. If your trying to reach a very specific audience, smaller, niche directories which specialize in specific fields may be ideal. One such directory, www.GardenListings.com/articles offers articles on gardening, the arts, nature, travel and a few other related fields.

The most important thing to remember when writing and submitting articles is to be sure to offer your readers and potential customers original, useful information. If you do this readers of your articles will be more apt to click on your link and visit your website.

T Hallinan is the founder and owner of the garden resource website http://www.gardenlistings.com Visit the article directory at GardenListings at http://www.gardenlistings.com/articles




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