Have you ever noticed the number of online article writers on the Internet? Well on one of the most popular online article sites there are over 30,000 writers who have submitted one or more articles. These articles are then in turn picked up by Ezines, websites needing content and others.
In the field of online article writing we have a cross breed it seems. We have some liberal writers and some small business folks peddling their wares and some who are simply sharing writing and experiences. Each writer has a personal reason for doing what they do and the ego of the writers is well known indeed. Some writers are arrogant beyond belief in fact they are so high and mighty that they demand perfection at all costs. Yet in the end much of the garbage on these article content type sites is just nothingness or repeated industry filler like in the trade journals. What is the point?
Many of the folks here have some ridiculous worthless website selling something online to those who hit their author ?Bio Links? at the bottom of the articles they write. Many of these writers claim professionalism, perfect spelling and grammar. Yet personally I do a lot of reading and find most news media, books, magazine articles so riddled with garbage, that who cares if they spell anything right because the content sucks? Something of course to consider in 2006.