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Why Link Exchanges are Dead and What the New Move in Free Traffic Is

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It's no secret-link exchanges are dying a painful death. And why you ask? Since March 2005 the new Google algorythm has become very very picky about the quality, quantity and frequency of incoming links to your website. It now considers reciprocal linking to be, in fashion terms; OUT!

So what can you do to get legitimate incoming links to your website to maintain your traffic? The new wave in link building is content exchanges. It is fairly simple, just submit your written articles to article directories and webmasters looking for content.

You've probably heard of "writing articles" for free traffic before, so why is it called the "new wave" in free traffic? Glad you asked, let me elaborate. A couple of years ago an internet marketing Guru named Jim Edwards wrote an ebook titled "Turn Words in to Traffic". In this ebook Jim explained how to write and distribute articles as the ideal way to get free incoming links to your website.

Many big (and little) name webmasters jumped on the band wagon and started to implement Jim's techniques and see the results. But after a time, even though the concept and results remained the same, many webmasters abandoned writing and distributing articles for two reasons.

First, some people just can't or hate to write. And second, it is very tedious and time consuming to go around to the 40+ article and ezine content banks and manually submit your articles to each site each time you write an article.

So why the comeback? Many webmasters who previously didn't want to write articles have discovered either HOW to write articles, or they've hired out their article writing at about $10.00 per article to ghost writers at sites like elance.com. They recognized the power of distributing articles and simply out sourced it.

But the problem remains that it is still tedious to submit each article to every article bank every time you write a new one. This new move back to writing articles is fueled by the same thing that webmasters are using to have their content written; outsourcing. People simply pay someone else to do this tedious work.

Companies like submityourarticle.com manually do the submitting for you, though at a price (and it's not cheap). But if the traffic is coming in and you are capitalizing on that traffic it's an investment worth making.

However, for those out there who don't want to pay a per article fee, an associate of mine, Jason Potash has been working on a solution to the problem. A solution that is very soon to be released. Subscribers to my newsletter will get the latest, and if you aren't keeping up with this ground breaking new trend you need to spend some time on the internet marketing message boards to get the latest news.

I don't have all the details yet, Jason is keeping a little hush hush about it. But in a few weeks you'll probably hear about his new tool.

The conclusion, article writing has never been totally dead, but the wave is coming back with a host of new tools and services to make the process easier for webmasters to capitalize on. Get in the groove, dust off the typewriter and start benefiting from free article writing traffic.

Leah J. Bradshaw is the author of the Free Targeted Traffic Report; "Jumpstart Your Traffic in as Little as 10 Days". She also authors a Moms Free Traffic Blog to help work at home moms get free traffic.




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