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Article publishing has become one of the most effective and important marketing tools of website owners. Smart and savvy website publishers often use articles as a way to increase traffic to their site and to promote their products and information. They're also an important factor in giving a site high rankings in search result pages. The higher a site ranks in the search results the more traffic it will get, resulting in more potential profits and more potential for other income generating programs as well.

But, its important to remember that its not just about the number of articles which are submitted. There are some guidelines which should be followed in order for them to be successful. Website publishers want to provide quality content and look for articles which will entertain the their visitors. A well written article will catch the eyes of publishers and the interest of your customers. If the readers are interested, they'll keep coming back for more. They would also be able to recommend your site to others.

Here are some tips to help you and assist you in making your articles. The following is a list of factors which will help you writing successful articles and helpful in increasing your profits and traffic to your site.

Keywords and Keyword Phrases

An article must always be centered on certain keywords and keyword phrases. This is important since most people surfing the web are looking for specific information. Generally, a searcher usually goes to a search engine and types in the keywords they are looking for (e.g. National Parks, Gardening, Mp3's, etc.). It could be anything they want.

The important thing is that you have an article that utilizes keywords that are related to your site. For example, if you publish a gardening site and write and article on tress, your articles should make use of keywords related to that topic. There are many tools on the internet that provide the service of assisting a webmaster by determining popular keywords and keyword phrases. You can use this tool to find out which keywords will be most effective.

Keyword Density

Keyword density is the number of times a keyword or keyword phrase is used throughout an article. In order for your keywords to be effective, you must use them fully. An article must have good keyword density for a search engine to notice its presence. Articles should at least have ten to fifteen percent of keyword density in their content to be effective in search results. Keywords repeated too many times often result in poorly written articles and will sometimes be considered spam by search engines. However, those articles with too few keywords may be ignored by the search engines.

Good Article Content

Like what is stated above, you cannot just riddle an article with keywords. They must also be regarded as good reading materials. Articles must be able to entertain people as well as provide high quality and helpful information. Well written and thought out articles will go a long way towards helping you establish yourself as an expert in your field. Your readers will begin to trust you and your products.

Linking Articles

Also important thing to remember when submitting articles to ezines and/or contribute your articles to newsletters and other sites, always include a link to your site. A little resource box with a brief description of your site and you should always be placed right after your articles that you have submitted. If people like your articles, they'll be more apt to click on your link directing them to your site.

R Birch is the publisher of http://www.gardenlistings.com To submit articles to the site's directory visit http://www.gardenlistings.com/articles




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