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#1 Article Writing Tool On The Internet


Writing articles is a subject of huge interest and much debate in the internet medium for well over 3 years and gaining momentum for the past year. The tremendous interest in article writing stems from one single factor. Website traffic!

Authors selling secrets of web traffic through search engine optimization, keyword density, email lists through their e-Books have made a huge pile of cash. But these secrets have been more of a time consuming effort with temporary results in the ever changing search engine algorithms.

The best kept secret of traffic is still the secret of good content. Writing articles is the surest way to create original content which the search engines love.

The question remains how many can create original content.

The answer is very few can. At least till now. However that situation is going to change soon and more people can become expert authors churning out an article per hour that can bring in traffic to their web sites. This article took just under an hour to write and edit.

But let us first get the perspective clear. Why free internet articles and how and who benefits from them.

Of the millions of web pages that we see very few have content that is written by web masters. They are all created by a few thousand savvy marketers who have understood the power of free content and article writing which could bring them name fame and free traffic.

Let us see how this article writing or free content strategy works as a win-win for all the people involved in the process.

The authors use article writing as a tool to market their own products and services by providing the hungry web masters with free content for their websites. At the end of the article is a resource box with a few lines about the author and his business with a link to his web sites.

The web site gets free content to keep their audience coming back. The author gets traffic through the link as the reader is interested in the article and looks for more information on similar subjects and clicks over to the writer's website.

Now the issue is how the author finds the webmasters who will publish them. How do the webmasters find these articles and authors and get the permission to publish them.

There is one more link between the webmaster and the article marketer. These are the article syndication sites. Now these sites publish articles on a wide variety of subjects by the article authors with prior permission to publish them with certain conditions. The webmasters come to these sites and pick up the articles of choice for publication in their own websites.

There are five beneficiaries In this entire process.

The writer and author

Web Masters

Content syndication portals

Search engines

Web user seeking information

Each one acts as an interface for others constantly feeding and receiving a perfect flow of information through their articles and content.

Any one can become an expert author. This author too had been a novice but now recognized as a platinum level author by leading content syndication portals as www.ezinearticles.com with thousands of pages of articles to his credit. It only takes a little patience and perseverance and you too can turn out articles by the dozen.

Well. That is another article.

R.G. Srinivasan is a Managerial professional, Writer and Author. You can view his home-business resources blog at http://www.home-businessresources.blogspot.com for online marketing tips, resources,links and business opportunities.

By: RG Srinivasan




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