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Just imagine if you could perpetually entice thousands of internet surfers to visit your website and make purchases on a regular basis!

That's what writing articles can do for you if you do it right. If you do it wrong, forget it. Don't even bother.

To help you become more successful in directing traffic to your websites through effective articles, I've compiled a list of positive elements for you to include.

Here are 7 article writing tips:

1. Open with a hook that will entice your readers to keep reading.

Your first four words better be compelling or your readers won't stick around to read the rest. So start with an attention-grabbing headline plus intriguing opening paragraph.

Get to the point quickly and remain on target. It's easier to stay focused if you stick to an outline, so be sure to create one before you start writing.

2. Write lots of how-to articles.

They have great attraction for readers. In this type of article your goal is to teach people how to do something they are interested in doing by offering practical tips and solutions. The best type of articles help readers solve problems or inform them of the latest breakthroughs in their fields of expertise.

Research your subject well and check your facts. Give concrete examples and personal experiences to back up your points. Tell how you faced a problem and solved it.

Your article should inspire action and not just be an intellectual exercise. Think of it this way: knowledge plus action leads to growth. Insight alone may not accomplish anything.

If you're going to give a list of tips, it's a good idea to serve them up in groups of 3, 5, 7 or 10 rather than a larger number like 17.

3. Be sure to include plenty of original content.

Visitors will remain longer at your website if you offer them unique material.

Write as if you were speaking to your best friend about a topic that's compelling for both of you. For example, imagine that your friend is just starting out in your field of expertise.What tips would you share? Use "you" a lot to make your writing more personal. Concentrate on helping your reader instead of concentrating on yourself.

You'll sound like a real person if you write from your heart. However, beware of being overly casual and avoid too many personal references.

Here are some winning ideas for you to include in your writing:

* Tell a funny story or insert dashes of humor.

* Give unexpected information.

* Share an amazing fact or figure.

* Throw in a surprise element.

* Provide information with impact.

* Give a unique spin to a popular subject.

* Quote a respected authority.

5. Use numbered lists and bullets whenever possible when you're writing to make skimming easier.

Skimming is the way people read articles on the internet. Internet articles are different from articles in magazines because it's hard to read type on computer monitors.

Use bold headings and subheadings to divide the material and make it easier to skim. Keep paragraphs short with about three sentences each and use lots of white space.

6. Your article should be between 500 and 800 words.

Write too few words and you lose credibility. Write too many words and the reader will be off somewhere else.

7. Be sure to include your author resource box with a live clickable link.

This is your chance to tell people about what you have to offer.

Become a more skillful writer using these suggestions.

If you do, you'll soon start writing unique articles with impact that are a cut above the rest.

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