What is the best way for an online article writing to increase their volume to compete properly for larger amounts of Internet Traffic? Well there are many ways, but let me give you a few ways that make the most sense. Currently I happen to be the all-time highest volume article writer in the history of the Internet.
Sounds pretty cool right? Well sure being number one is fun indeed, but it does not come easy and it takes discipline and strategy. How so you ask? Well each day you need to write 20-30 articles, yet you can imagine after some 5880 articles that you eventually start running out of things to write about? Consider how many subjects or subtopics in your realm of expertise are there anyway?
Well, I would say the number is not infinite, but it maybe more than you are aware of. For instance if you are writing about a certain industry, imagine all the articles you have ever read on the subject in the Trade Journals and then consider what if everyone of those was written by you instead of someone else. Indeed this is possible to consider. Now then read all the titles of all the articles in a trade journal. Then without reading the article think on it.
Next have a clipboard or open many blank Word Processing pages all blank. As you think write down everything that comes to your mind in a catchy title. Then close that file and save it to; ?Things to Write On File? and after you have 30 pages with only titles at the top go back and write one-two paragraphs each.
If the information keeps flowing keep going if not; just close it and save it. Go onto the next one. Eventually you will have started 30 articles, finished a few and have new topics to write on for the week. Anyway that is how I do it. Only now I do it 100 at a time, practice I guess. Consider this in 2006.