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Some webmasters use articles drawn from free content directories to get visitors to their site and augment their income. Especially those who those who have just begun as an affiliate for many companies and are hard-pressed for finances, yet need to built small niche websites so that they can begin making income.

Although this may be the only option left for those who are running on a shoe-string budget, it is not a proper way that to  effectively build your website and revenue. Here are a few reasons why this may be detrimental to your business building efforts.

Problem #1 - Search Engines

It seems, Search engines do not like sites that has the exact and duplicated content shown on many other sites. The more sites that hosts your content, the less it helps you to achieve good search engine rankings.

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Good search engine rankings are important in getting visitors to your site. If you cannot even attract visitors, then you will never make an revenue. So search engine optimization of your site should be a top priority so that you will eventually get good rankings results to get customers.

Problem #2 - Getting visitors to click

Getting your site high up on search engine result pages is hard work! Unfortunately this is only one-half of the battle. You must also be able to convince those visitors to click on your affiliate links. If your visitors see the same content they have seen on a multitude of other sites, they will be least likely to click on your links. This is because most people want to buy things that are recommended by people that they trust or whom they feel like are an expert on the subject.

If you have only duplicated content from other sites, you will be exposed as someone who does not really know what they are talking about and therefore will not look heavily on your product recommendations. This will reduce the number of website visitors who will be willing to click through.

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Problem #3 - Author Bylines

You need to agree to place the authors byline under the article. This could a problem as most author bylines include links. When a reader finishes through a really intriguing article, the strong possibility exists that they will click on the author?s byline link ignoring your links. This is the prime reason why authors offer free content to sites, so that they get their name and links out to the public. So this type of content can be shooting yourself in the foot. So never use free content alone on your site.

Put these 3 issues together and you are staring at a serious decline in your website revenue because you used only free website content from article directories. If you have the funds to buy your own original content, then you should go this route. If you don?t have the finds, however, you may be better off writing your own content.




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