Article writing is not as hard as you might think. In fact, if you conduct some preliminary research and build a solid outline, you've done the "hard" part already.
Creating an outline will help immensely as you sit down to write the first draft of your article. Your outline doesn't have to be complex (forget about those Roman numerals and sub-sections from English Composition 101). All you need to do is plan how you want to begin your article, what points you want to cover, and how you want to end. That's all.
You might ask, "Well, if it's so simple, then why even bother?" At first, you'll just have to trust me on this. But as you go through the process a few times, you'll quickly realize the value of using outlines when writing articles.
When writing, there's often a tendency to wander off track. It happens to the best of us. So an outline will help you stay on task. Remember, these are short, tightly focused articles that should be easy to read online. Think quick, helpful tips -- not extensive essays. An outline will help remind you of this.
Article Outline - An Example
I once wrote an article on search engine tips for real estate agents. Here's the outline I used:
Brief Introduction:
The importance of understanding search engines in this Web-driven economy.
Challenge & Solution:
But with so much information (and misinformation) out there, the path to success can be hard to follow. This article will help you navigate.
* Step 1 - Choose Your Key Phrases
* Step 2 - Evaluate Your Infrastructure
* Step 3 - Create Quality Content
* Step 4 - Obtain Inbound Links from Quality Websites
* Step 5 - Be Patient and Persistent
By taking the time to do it right, you'll achieve better rankings, maintain them longer, and drive qualified traffic to your website. So keep learning, and keep at it!
This outline gave me a clear writing path to follow. So when I sat down to create the actual article, it was easy to stay on track. Outlines make life easier.
Good luck and good writing!
* Copyright 2006, Brandon
Brandon Cornett is the owner and publisher of, an article exchange for writers and publishers. Submit your own marketing articles, or download a free 18-page article writing guide! Visit today.