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Article directories are springing up all over the Internet. Many of them offer great articles by talented authors. Most offer useful content and an opportunity for many authors to contribute. But which site provides the best resources for getting ahead? EzineArticles does. Why? Below are more than twenty reasons that I like the service.

With over a million unique visitors each month, if you publish your articles on the site you will have an opportunity to share your insights, knowledge, wisdom and experience with thousands of visitors.

Use the site to gain expert status and recognition in your field. You may find that few others in your field are availing themselves of this opportunity.

Take advantage of the site's high visibility and search engine optimization to get noticed.

Publish articles and use your resource box to bring traffic to your website or to help sell your products or services.

Write and draw awareness to important causes, to political positions or to opinions.

Hone your writing skills by submitting original articles. Showcase your skills and talents before thousands of visitors.

Include a link to the articles you have written in the signature line of your outgoing email.

Enjoy the highest search engine rank for your name and the position of Expert Author. There may be over a million people in the world with my name, yet the site has helped me to achieve a Google ranking among the top five.

Articles get fed to hundreds of online publishers and ezine publishers. It is possible that your articles will reach millions of people. Also, your articles will remain online for years to come.

Reprint your published articles on your company's website, in your own ezine, in your company's newsletter, or in a booklet for customers.

With the permission of the site, republish the articles of others in your ezine or newsletter.

Develop an online presence or launch an online business following the advice of hundreds of the site's successful authors/online business owners.

Use the articles you publish to develop e-books, information products, mini-courses or online content.

Gain insights from the site's thousands of articles to help make decisions.

Contact other contributing authors and exchange endorsements, links, affiliate arrangements or ideas.

Use the over 100,000 articles as a learning resource, a source of research or other reference. Many of the authors who contribute articles are truly expert in their fields and offer additional in-depth material off site.

Use the site to identify helpful products, books, services or people.

Participate in the forums and get answers to questions concerning topics of interest.

Learn how others are succeeding at the things that you are trying or would like to try. Also, learn how others have overcome challenges that you are facing.

Use the large variety of published articles to stimulate thinking for your own articles or for projects you are working on. I have reviewed dozens of articles covering several topics, conducted additional research, and then created new articles slanted with my own customers in mind.

Read lots of the site's articles and spark new ideas for your business or for your personal life.

If none of these great reasons convince you, try this bold suggestion. Publish hundreds of great articles at the site. Then wait to see the great opportunities you create if not for yourself, then for all of your readers.

George Parker is a co-founder, Director and Executive Vice President of Leasing Technologies International, Inc. (LTI?). A twenty-five year industry leader, George is a frequent panelist and author of several articles and e-books, including "Using Venture Leasing As A Competitive Weapon" and "101 Equipment Leasing Tips".

Headquartered in Wilton, CT, LTI is a leasing firm specializing nationally in direct equipment financing and vendor leasing programs for emerging growth and later-stage, venture capital-backed companies. More information about LTI is available at: http://www.ltileasing.com




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