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It is amazing to see how much we all still dread writing; even a simple letter or memo! When we start talking about an Essay or an Article for publication, it gets much worse. As human beings, we are prone to self doubt, the good news however is; that there is a cure for that. The cure lies in the old adage: "Practice makes Perfect" Once, you can get past the writing of your first article, it gets easier onwards.

This article as the title suggest is about breaking writer's block. 'Writer's block' is used to describe the situation in which anyone can not seem to get themselves to write an essay of any nature. More importantly, it considers the average Internet marketer with limited funds for any kind of campaign. We all know that if you have the funds, you can hire someone to write your articles for publication by other ezines or article directories. However, if you do have the funds why bother to promote your website with article writing at all? Especially, when availability of funds allows you to run many other campaigns like Pay Per Clicks (PPCs) or Traffic Exchange (TE) campaigns to name a few. Note that the turn around time for the alternative campaigns are much less than that of an article publication particularly when there is a third party involved.

Going back to the average Joe Internet marketer with limited funds, there is a need to publish articles for syndication across other websites or on your own website to draw in traffic, increase search engine ranking, and subsequently increase sales. It is my hope that this article inspires you enough to break the barriers and get those creative juices and neurons flowing.

The truth of the matter is; it is hard for an Internet newbie (enewbie) to write Internet home business or marketing articles simply because he/she is new at it (Internet marketing). Even if the individual is a prolific writer it is hard to start churning out Internet marketing articles on the fly. That then, brings us to the ice-breaker which is: Find your comfort zone, start by writing an article on something that you are passionate about.

You can write about an hobby, family matters, health, sports, or vacation spots. If you try to do this and you still find yourself intimidated by the attempt. Then I suggest you consider writing it as a letter to a friend or family member. Go all the way at this letter-writing idea. In other words, use the form of a letter with Dear friend, I am writing to share my blah blah blah with you... And so on. This should produce a page or two on the subject that you chose to write on.

Once you are able to generate a page or two you are almost done with your first article and congratulations are in order. The next step is to now reformat your letter into an article format for eventual publication. For tips on effective Internet article writing you can view an article on that subject by Donald Nelson at http://www.a1-optimization.com/article-writing-tips.htm or visit http://www.ideamarketers.com where you can read and learn from a large resource of published articles.

The whole idea of writing within your comfort zone is to get you to start the process of article writing. You need to follow through and publish the articles you write on your interests and hobby. There are millions of sites that would publish your materials, all you need to do is a search online with your favorite search engine. Keyword search suggestions are article submission, article publications to start you off. You can always expand the list of keywords.

Once you get your first article published, you only need to repeat the process for you next article. As you do this, it becomes second nature and you would also have gathered some Internet home business marketing experience along the way. Enough experience that you can now position yourself to start churning out Internet marketing articles on the fly. I wish you the best in your journey.

Robert Kempster is a fairly recent entrant into the Internet Home Business Industry. Background spans Executive Management, Computer Operations, Programming, Real Estate (former COO), and an incomplete EMBA. An ordinary person doing extraordinary things. http://www.profitcentral.biz http://www.kemptechdomains.com http://www.kemptech.biz

By: Robert Kempster




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