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The best kind of link to a search engine is the link that comes for no reason but great content. These one way links are by definition a link on a web page pointing to yours that is not reciprocal, that is the other person does not expect a link back. There are many, many ways to do this but the first best way to get these one way links are as following:

First make sure that the content that you have on your site is great original content. Think about the things that you are writing and try to get into detail on the issues that you are covering. The best way to do this is to make it a habit to write an article once a week, or every two weeks or even once a month and then post the article to article directories. My favorite article directory is Ezine Articles and the next favorite for me is Idea Marketers. Also you can submit your article to many other places on and off of the internet.

The places to make sure that you submit your articles to is local newspapers and magazines as well as to online submission services such as PR Web. With PR Web you can get syndicated across the country with a good article but you will have to pay $80 or so to get it promoted properly by them.

The next thing you are probably wondering about is what is an article What do I write?

An article to me is a minimum of 500 words and up to about 1500 words. Any longer than that and it will be hard to get it published anywhere and any shorter than the short end and it will be hard to really cover a subject well. I always try to go into some good detail as this will draw in a reader and keep them interested enough. When you submit your articles it is important to make sure that you have a good cal to action in the "resource box" The resource box is the information part of the article that allows the people reading the article to know who you are and where to go for more information. The best article in your eyes is one that captivates the reader to the point that they are drawn by the resource box to click the link to get to your web page for more information. And to any ezine publishers or other web publishers the article has to provide info that they think will make them look even better to their readers so something that really illustrates their attitude toward the issue that you cover.

This leads directly to what you can write about and how do you write it.

It is a great start to write about the things that are going on in your real estate market, if the market is active or quiet, if prices are going up or down and especially if you have some great anecdotes or stories about actual buyers and sellers then your article will be even better.

One way to get a good idea of what makes a good entertaining article is to go to USA Today and see the type of writing that they employ, Your writing must be simple and as you have probably heard before you do want to make sure that you are writing to an elementary school writing level. The reason that you want to write in simple words and with short sentences is not to demean or even to expect that your readers are not intelligent but rather you want to write so that a reader is not distracted by large words or complex sentence structure. Another thing that is very important to do is after you write your article make sure that you break it into small paragraphs, in a persons mind smaller paragraphs make an article easier to read.

Next you will want to come up with a style for writing articles. I like to have one idea and then freeform write about is until the idea is over and then edit after that. My system is not for everyone and probably the best way is to pull out a piece of paper and get the main topic written down and then all the subtopics that you want to cover. From here you want to write an introductory paragraph introducing the main topic and then write a paragraph covering each of the subtopics until all are exhausted and finally wrap it up with a quick paragraph pulling together the importance of the main topic again referencing each of the subtopics.

Lastly keep a page in your daytimer or at least a piece of paper in your wallet and several times a day write down article ideas, not only will this help you formulate your ideas for articles but also it will help you find content for your weblog. So how long is this article It comes in at a total of 850 words.

Not bad for a half hours work.

Bill Nadraszky is a serial marketer and a pro for Realtor Marketing. If you are looking for interent marketing info or Realtor Marketing tips please visit one of my sites.Bill-Nadraszky_8759

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By: Bill Nadraszky




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